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Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

Since I'm in the same boat with a DVD player and 26" TV I've been paying a "little" less attention to this thread (by "little" I mean only checking once a day). :) That said, I'm amazed by the amount of goodness you've been able to extract from these sources! Count me in for the V4 DVD's and a huge thanks to everyone who is working to make these a reality!

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

OK...so I've been lurking on this thread for several months now, waiting for the V3 DVD's to be ready for download. Can't stand the SE in any form, so back in '05 I bought a LaserDisc player and a set of the "faces" edition discs so I would have the best (or nearly the best) OT widescreen presentation available at the time. Had a friend borrow the player and discs for awhile so he could work up a mediocre DVD transfer for himself (and a copy for me, of course!) and I've also downloaded one of the TR-47 editions as well. Nobody seemed to be able to overcome the limitations of the LD's S-Video or Composite output, though, and I always thought the playback straight from my LaserDisc player was a better choice. I had high hopes for the X0 Project but we all know what's happened there, so I was excited when I heard about dark_jedi's V3.

Boy was it worth the wait. I watched a bit on from a mounted .iso on my PC at work and thought it was just OK but definitely better than anything I'd seen before. However, when I burned it to disc and watched a few minutes on my upscaling Sony DVD Home Theatre at home I was blown away by the picture quality. I've not had the chance to watch the whole thing yet because we moved into a new house this weekend, but I am looking forward to sitting down with this latest addition to the wonderful heritage of Star Wars fan preservations.  The Rebel Alliance of OT preservationists has A New Hope in the battle against Darth Lucas and the Evil Empire (and let's keep that hope off the title crawl).

I've been seeding the torrents from a VM on my work PC all weekend. So far I've uploaded over 100GB and I'll keep it up as long as it's needed.

Thanks again, dark_jedi for your dedication to the project despite the occasional slings and missile from various lurkers, and to everyone else who had a hand in bringing this incredible project to fruition!