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Get ready for "Star Wars - Shroud of the Sith", a radical fan edit of "The Phantom Menace"

I’ve also been following this thread, and I’d love to see this film. As a fanedit guy, I think one of the fun things is receiving feedback from other fans. You get to decide if the feedback is useful or not, and sometimes people give you new ideas you wouldn’t otherwise have thought of. Anyway, I’m super excited to see the color, scene restructuring, and new voice dubs! It will be fun to see something so radically different!

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Hey Harmy!  Great work on ANH and TESB!  I can't tell you how happy I am to be able to watch and enjoy such an incredible restoration of the Original Theatrical Star Wars Saga.  Recently, I introduced my wife to Star Wars and because of you she got to experience the original films as they were.

Thanks again for all your hard work!  I hope it is a fun challenge for you to learn and make possible all that you are doing!  Very much looking forward to ROTJ!!!

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Catbus, I was thinking the same point today about sentimental attachment and how important it is.  Like so many others here, I'm making my own version of how I remember Star Wars from when I was a kid, but mixing in other elements that I've really enjoyed since.  Maybe a little like what you're doing Dennis, mixing in newer and better parts of a dub with your favorite parts of the original dub. At least that's what I think you're doing, but perhaps I'm misunderstanding.  

But that obviously is not the goal of Harmy, as he (and you) are trying to make the best original theatrical release Star Wars one can obtain.  (Which is beyond amazing, by the way!)  Anyway, I thought of you, Catbus, and realized its really not about drawing the line, as I foolishly stated before.  I'm on my I-don't-know-what version of re-editing Star Wars, and I (as all of us here) may never be done tinkering with it.  (Although, now that George is done tinkering, hopefully I can stop soon, too!)  For your project, it's about using the best quality of the most original versions of each element that you can find.  You'll always make time to do that until the goal is met.  And sound is quite possibly even less forgiving than video.  If someone is listening to a dub and it's not how they remember from long ago, it can definitely trigger something in the brain, sending off a "something's off with this" alert.

Then you wrote just that:  that your goal is to bring back the version that fans knew prior to the SE's.  Make's perfect sense.  Anyway, sorry for my long-winded thought process.  I just love talking Star Wars!

I'm very interested in your good quality Brazilian Portuguese subs!  I want to show the original trilogy to my wife before December next year, and I'm searching for both the most original theatrical (or VHS) subtitles, and the most modern version of Brazilian Portuguese text (probably BluRay) that I can find.  Then I can just edit down the modern subtitles to fit with the Theatrical Version that I wish to present to her, while making sure I have the correct lines in there from the original (such as Han's "Trust me" line at the Sarlacc Pit.)

Let me know if you have these versions of the subs!  You can PM me if you want, as this is probably getting off topic.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Hi Dennis,  I feel your pain, man!  I'm an american living in Brazil and my wife has never seen Star Wars, so I'm trying to prep a version for her with the best subtitles, which I thought would be pretty straight forward, until I found different subs from different releases.  And then trying to make sure I had the most recent titles and the ones that made the most sense.  I know dubs and subtitles on older films instances like Star Wars that are re-released, the subs/dubs are updated, seemingly with more care and accuracy to the film.  Especial since Star Wars is a pop culture thing now, certain words and ideas have worked their way into the newer dubs that didn't exist 30 years ago when the 80's dubs were made.  As an editor, and of course lover of Star Wars, I can understand wanting to have that perfect definitive edition of what you want.

And at the same time, being an editor, I can understand Catbus not wanting to go back and replace a dub every time a new request comes in.  You have to draw the line somewhere.  

But it is very nice to have people like both of you that are out there trying to help make Star Wars the best it can be!  As always, it's fun to follow this thread.  This topic hit home for me, so I thought I'd chime in.