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AI Upscaling of Deleted Scenes and other content (Released)

Hey everyone! As an update, I’ve also run the deleted scenes from ANH through my upscaler up to 1440p resolution. In addition to a straight upscale, I had help from triadne to remove some of the dust and other film artifacts! It’s from from all of them, but it’s at least a little better.

The final product is not nearly as noticeable of an upgrade as my prequel deleted scenes, but it’s at least a little better for anyone wanting to include some of those scenes in an edit. I haven’t finished the other 2 OT films, but I’ll get around to it eventually and post here when I do.

Finally, to anyone still needing a link to something, please PM me a request instead of posting here, as it makes my life a lot easier. 😃 I try to respond to all PMs within about a week.

Captain Marvel, hoping to make carol a bit more likeable for those who hate her. (COMPLETED)

I finally got around to watching your edit, and I must say I’m really impressed! It was very well done, and Carol is a much more likeable character as you intended. Thanks for your work making this, and for taking the time to share it.

Is there any chance of you releasing a blu-ray quality file with 5.1 audio in the future? No worries if not though. This will still be my definitive edition going forward.

The Hobbit (M4 Book Edit) (Released)

I’ve got to say this version is the best Hobbit Edit I’ve seen. I’ve been looking for the perfect edit for years, and I think I’ve finally found it. Well done!

In case anyone enjoyed the Necromancer subplot, I’d recommend looking up ‘The Battle of Dol Guldur’. It’s about 40 minutes and feels really good as a standalone feature to watch between this Hobbit edit and LotR.

AI Upscaling of Deleted Scenes and other content (Released)

Dazman said:

bryantmh, you have definitely squeezed more detail out of PT DVD deleted scenes that I have seen previously, nice work! I have one request though, would you be willing to upload the AOTC and ROTS upscales with higher bitrate? I think that would also help them blend better with other footage for faneditors using them.

I could do that, but unfortunately that would mean rerunning the upscale as I didn’t save the originals. Also, I don’t believe that would help, honestly. The uploaded version was ran through handbrake on the slow preset with an RF of 18, and to my eye at least is indistinguishable from the original upscale. I think the bigger problem is just how much detail the upscaling can actually add. Some of what looks like compression artifacts are actually artifacts of the upscaling process.

Going up about 50% produces results that are incredible, such as in my ESB upscale, Though even those could use a lot of manual work, which is why Adywan is taking it one step further with manual edits on his next version. For these deleted scenes, it’s a 225% increase, which as you can imagine, doesn’t work as well.

AI Upscaling of Deleted Scenes and other content (Released)

Wow, this is the first time I have checked this thread in a couple months and I’m actually surprised at the number of link requests! If anyone who hasn’t received my link could send me a PM instead of posting here, that would be helpful 😃

For those asking about audio, my source was missing audio for RotS, so you’ll have to find that elsewhere. Also, My source’s audio for AotC appears to be off by a few frames so that probably needs adjusting if you plan on using these in an edit. TPM audio is correct. The point was upscaling the video and adding the audio was an afterthought. If anyone would like to fix the audio and send me a new link, I’d be happy to point people to that instead.

AI Upscaling of Deleted Scenes and other content (Released)

No plans as of now to do ANH:R. I don’t think the quality would be where I’d want it to be going from 480p to 1080p. The only 50% resolution jump from 720p makes it a lot easier for the upscaler to produce good results imo, especially when you consider there are high quality native 1080p and 4k versions of the movies. I do have the first several minutes of ANH:R HD upscaled, as that is all Adywan has released. Though the quality is even lacking there because I don’t have access to the full quality mkv. I’m currently running all of Stargate SG-1 through the system (never released above dvd quality), which will take many months, but I might look at doing it after I’m done there.

AI Upscaling of Deleted Scenes and other content (Released)

An FYI to everyone. If anyone is having an audio syncing issue with the deleted scenes upscale, let me know, and I’ll rerun them. The software I used was recently updated and fixed issues I was having with other clips.

Also, I’ve added some embedded screenshots. No before after though. Maybe one day.

AI Upscaling of Deleted Scenes and other content (Released)

So, I did something that I thought would be useful to some people here, and I thought I’d share. I’m a big fan of Hal9000’s edits of the prequels, but I always found it to be a bit jarring whenever I hit a deleted scene because, unfortunately, those scenes were only ever released on SD on the DVDs.

What I have done is run those original scenes through an AI upscaler to 225% their original size, making them a full 1920 x 816 px. While the result isn’t perfect, I think it turned out pretty well!

I have only done Attack of the Clones as of the moment, but let me know if you’d like other scenes done. I have a fairly powerful machine, it it doesn’t take too long for such short clips. And PM me if you would like a download link!

Edit: I’ve completed upscales for the Revenge of the Sith and Phantom Menace Deleted scenes as well. Phantom Menace doesn’t look super great, probably due in part to the low quality CG, but Revenge of the Sith is great, especially during close up shots.

I also have something else that may be of some interest to people. I’m a big lover of Adywan’s ESB Revisited, however, with the 4K release, I’ve felt more torn than usual between which version to watch. So, I’ve gone ahead and AI upscaled that to 1080p. For those keeping track at home, that’s 150% its original size. I personally think the results are quite good, and I’m much happier sticking with Adywan’s amazing version. One day I may do 4K, but I without HDR I don’t see too much of a point. Plus, I think the upscaler works best at about 150%. Pictures in the same google drive link.

Finally, I haven’t posted before, but I’d like to say, amazing work to everyone here! You’ve really made the prequels shine in my eyes!

A few completely random screenshots to give a gist of what to expect. If the embed isn’t working, here’s a direct link

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