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Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released)

From what I remember as a kid, and more recently from watching a print in London a few years ago, this recent scan is really close to both of those cinema visits.

Colour grading in the 4K Disney Blu is all wrong, but then again, the lowfade print is completely off, too. But, accurate -ish for the niche type of print it was at the time. As for the standard, more accurate prints sent around the world at the time (like this UK one), this here is by far the closest we have got to the original negative.

Note the bar scene that no longer looks like it was shot in -40c Alaska. And the lack of harsh cropping. Far more information visible now.

Lord of the Rings 35mm (FOTR/TTT/ROTK/FOTREXT released)

fmalover said:

Wraths said:

elendil42 said:

Read the thread to find out how to download, do not pm me.

You should already own a copy of these films on official home media.

Do 35mm prints exist for the Return of the King Extended Edition?

No, which is a real shame as this means the EE LOTR trilogy in 35mm will forever remain incomplete.

Theatricals are superior, anyway. Not just in terms of the movies themselves, but also the prints. I have seen both the theatrical and extended versions in the cinema, and the extended has the same disgusting colour grading as all home releases.

Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit

Boobafett2 said:

So, here’s the thing. Anyone crazy enough to be into films so much that they enjoy watching fanmade scans already bought the movie and is simply looking for MORE of the movie. Like, if anything scans have shows studios that there’s money to be made here. But instead they release crappy 4k DNR releases because they know the avarage viewer or new young viewer is completely clueless and views filmgrain as unsharp or ‘old’ looking. The tiktok generation doesnt care about the film grain on a movie, so studios won’t care eiter.

Litterally not a single casual will ever be into fanedits or scans etc. I think studios realise this. It’s like game modding in that sense.

I have a family member that is a certified Disney nut, who has seen and been to everything Disney on this planet. Even with all that Disney knowledge, she insists that every new release of her favourite animations are the best they have ever looked.

You’re right. A lot of people don’t care, sadly. Even some of those that you’d think would.

Disney’s re-releases are also probably the worst offenders, too.

Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit

elvismay99 said:

brad86 said:

From what I have seen, the majority of the recent bulk scan sharing on Reddit, is mostly those that have been floating around for a long time, outside LotR trilogy, and Titanic, which I believe are recent releases.

T2, Aliens, Jurassic Park, Matrix etc were shared on major sites from the get go, and didn’t seem like they were intended to stay within a small group.

Not excusing the practice, just thought it was worth mentioning. Thankfully, none of Rob’s scans have been leaked online, and it kind of tells you everything you need to know. These people will only share what they can get for free. Rob asks for a small amount of money for his prints, so I’m confident that they will not end up on random torrent trackers or file sharing sites, as they don’t care enough to purchase them. That’s a good thing.

This is not entirely true. Robs complete scans to date were all posted online in both image rips and encodes. It was only online for like 36 hours but a few of us were able to grab most of the scans.

Thankfully, this is complete BS, and they absolutely haven’t appeared online.
The whole thing really seems to have died down now.

Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit

From what I have seen, the majority of the recent bulk scan sharing on Reddit, is mostly those that have been floating around for a long time, outside LotR trilogy, and Titanic, which I believe are recent releases.

T2, Aliens, Jurassic Park, Matrix etc were shared on major sites from the get go, and didn’t seem like they were intended to stay within a small group.

Not excusing the practice, just thought it was worth mentioning. Thankfully, none of Rob’s scans have been leaked online, and it kind of tells you everything you need to know. These people will only share what they can get for free. Rob asks for a small amount of money for his prints, so I’m confident that they will not end up on random torrent trackers or file sharing sites, as they don’t care enough to purchase them. That’s a good thing.

Aliens (1986) 35mm print Is Up on EBay

There has also been a 35mm scan floating around the usual places since last year. Looks good, and is fully intact. Tagged Grindhouse in the name, by someone that obviously doesn’t understand what Grindhoiuse actually is, so ignore that if you come across it.

Some slight adjustment and it is pretty perfect. Well, in comparison to the current awful home releases, anyway.

Team Negative1 - Unofficial Jurassic Park 35mm (Released)

After watching 16:9 v2 for the first time today, I would have to say that 16:9 v1 is my preferred choice. I noticed that v1 Superwide has the exact same tweaks as the 16:9 v2.

As for the differences, v1 looks noticeably sharper to me than both v2 and Superwide, possibly due to the slight image clean-up that was done (don’t quote me on that). Colours are indeed slightly more washed in v1, but I found them perfectly acceptable. Another thing is the contrast change in v2. Personally, that change is a dealbreaker in which version I chose to rewatch. I found that contrast was already very good in v1. Not a fan of the boost here, at all.

These are just my own opinions, though, and I greatly appreciate all the time, effort, and money that has gone into this. It’s fantastic that we even have the choice. How do you guys feel about the releases, and which do you prefer ?

Evil Dead 2 (1987) - Original Mono Preservation (Released)


Kind user over at fanres posted how to sync up the track with the UHD

"The video track from the Studio Canal UHD runs at 24fps whereas the 25th Anniversary BD runs at 23.976fps. That’s why it doesn’t sync.

You need to remux the UHD video track with a frame rate setting of 24000/1001 then add a delay of +15223ms to the LD audio track."

I used mkvmerge. A Couple of minutes to mux and it was all done. Perfect.

Alien 1979 - 35mm scan opportunity (a WIP)

Soupdrinker0 said:

‘Took the money & ran is more than likely’ seems fairly cut & dry to me. Again - you don’t even know the person yet you want to assume he’s just stolen from those of us who have actually helped out with this project. There’s plenty of us including myself who can attest to the opposite. No one needs to get into specifics just to please some newbie with all of four posts that hasn’t made any contributions itself. Stay in your lane.

Stay in my lane. Yeah, I don’t take orders from little internet chumps. I made a suggestion as to what I personally believe is the outcome of this project.

Guess time will tell. As it currently stands, I’m pretty spot on.

Alien 1979 - 35mm scan opportunity (a WIP)

Soupdrinker0 said:

brad86 said:

Another ‘took the money and ran’ is more than likely. Love to be proven wrong, but it’s all too easy, which is a real shame.

Got shafted myself out of a Demolition Man 35mm print. Yes, it was only £200, but that’s not the point.

Mate where do you get off making accusations of thievery against someone you obviously don’t even know? As someone who actually knows him I can attest that RU isn’t the kind of person to do anything like that. There’s always a constant backlog at scanning joints - you’re not taking something to a printing store to get copied…things like this take time, just because updates aren’t constantly forthcoming doesn’t mean someone has done the dirty. At the best of times getting something scanned in a proper facility is very time consuming, let alone with everything currently going on.

Next time don’t be a fucking REDACTED & try to start shit in public like you know a thing or two about someone as you’re going to come off looking like a complete tool.

Who are you calling a REDACTED. Maybe you shouldn’t read into a post and try to find shit that isn’t there.
I said I would like to be proven wrong, and currently I have not. I was making a suggestion to a possible outcome, not an outright accusation.

Who’s the tool, again ?