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A New Edit/Approach Of LOST In chronological order (a WIP)

🚨 ATTENTION EVERYONE! This is an important announcement! 📢

Final boarding call for passengers of Oceanic 815! ✈️ Please have your boarding passes ready and head to gate 23. Captain Wigjuice Faraday has been expertly programming the flight path, and the beta test with Lab-rat Eloise PiEater has continued to go smoothly. We have been toiling away like two giant hamsters running in a massive wheel in our secret underground lair. And now a total of 70 out of 81 episodes have been checked and finalised!!

The plane is preparing for takeoff and the current flight schedule will see it crash land on an island in the South Pacific on approximately 17TH NOVEMBER! 😲

⚠️ This is NOT a drill – but we ARE right on top of the energy pocket! ⚠️ See you there!! 😁

A New Edit/Approach Of LOST In chronological order (a WIP)

Electromagnetic anomaly detected: It’s UPDATE TIME! 🌟

Wigjuice and I have now finished checking not 4, not 8, not 15, not 16, not 23, not 42, but 50 out of 81 episodes of this project!

It is well on track to being completed, and at the rate we’ve been going, it’s currently projected to be finished by about 19th November. If any of you have a frozen donkey wheel handy, just give it about a quarter turn to be transported there immediately! For everybody else, stay where you are and the island will come to you soon.

Show us your interest in the comments, we want to know that you’re still here!

Back in a few days with the next update, get hyped! 😍

A New Edit/Approach Of LOST In chronological order (a WIP)

Hello, everyone! Richard PiEater here, speaking on behalf of Jacob Wigjuice.

We’ve now finished ‘beta testing’ 40 out of 81 episodes, so it looks as though the universe is on course and things are playing out the way they’re supposed to. Faraday did some complex space-time calibrations and calculated that at the current rate, our trajectory points to completing this process on approximately 17th November.

We’ll have another update for you in about two weeks when the next 10 episodes are finished.
Get around it, I know you and all of everybody is going to love it!

A New Edit/Approach Of LOST In chronological order (a WIP)

Happy Lost Day, everyone! I hope you’re doing well.

Wigjuice and I are having a blast (door) checking through all 81 episodes and making slight adjustments as we go. Apparently I’m a Lost scholar now? Does that make me Dr PiEater? Not pie… (Arzt’s voice) It’s pi, you idiot!

Anywho, for all the maths (sorry for the spelling, I’m Australian!) nerds out there, so far we’ve passed over 32 episodes since 20th August. Therefore, at this rate (assuming that time continues to run linearly – and that’s a big if, because as we all know time is relative) we’re tracking to finish in another 56.0625 days, around 13th November. Of course, that estimate doesn’t account for the variations of daily life. Man, how I wish I just lived down a hatch with nothing to do except push a button and watch Lost all day.

Thank you for being very, very patient. The Others will be coming to get you soon.


A New Edit/Approach Of LOST In chronological order (a WIP)

I’m no pro at editing, but I had a quick search for ways of digitally removing text from video.
Have you considered the ‘Content Aware Fill’ feature from the 2019 update of Adobe After Effects? I watched a tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvWI0a0Oqi0 and thought it could potentially help for this.

Some more generic and less clear instructions (and they advertise their own product) can be found here: https://filme.imyfone.com/watermark/how-to-remove-watermark-from-video-in-after-effects/.

A New Edit/Approach Of LOST In chronological order (a WIP)

Hi WigJuice,

I can’t tell you how excited I am for this project. Well actually, I can, and I have told you twice already on different threads. But here I am, being excited again. And to have you post this on 8/15 is just a wonderful coincidence… or should I not mistake it for fate!

I am almost finished watching DragonClawNZ’s edit of ‘Chronologically LOST HD’ (reference: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Chronologically-Lost-HD-Remaster-of-Mike-Maloneys-edit-Released/id/68693) and am thoroughly enjoying it. Full credit to the effort put into it. Having said that, I was preparing myself to go ahead and make an edit of the series with some changes, many of which you’ve addressed here yourself.

To me, the time jumps and Desmond’s flashes should be watched in the timeline as the characters experience them. (To be precise, Desmond’s experience from 4x05 ‘The Constant’ is actually his 1996 self in control in both times, but it still makes better sense when viewed by us in 2004, once we know about the freighter. Similarly for his jump in 3x08 ‘Flashes Before Your Eyes’ when his 2004 self is in control during 1996; we would still make more sense of Desmond’s confusion when seen right after he turns the failsafe key in the hatch.) I’m happy to hear that you’ve put these scenes into an order that should theoretically allow a newcomer to Lost to watch the series for the first time with this project, and have it make sense (and I intend to test this theory by introducing a friend — let’s call her Eloise — to the series in this way). For those of us who have seen the original show before, this project would finally put together the mosaic pieces that the original show gives to us out of order.

I also like the idea of having the show title appear at the start of each episode. Since the pacing will be different from the original show (e.g. during the ‘flashback’ 1980s and 1990s episodes, there may not be an appropriate dramatic ‘teaser’ scene to punctuate with the title), this allows the full episode to run uninterrupted. My vote (as you’ve heard) is to call this project ‘Causalogically Lost’ (‘causal’, as in, events follow causality including during time travel sequences… except for that damned compass!).

Overall, it sounds like you have put substantial time into something that many fans will want to see. You might want to contact DragonClawNZ to find out how they managed to share it while considering safety. Certainly use a VPN, obviously. You may also wish to consider exporting a version in 1080p quality, for those who can’t handle such massive file sizes.

Chronologically Lost HD (Remaster of Mike Maloney's edit) (Released) <strong>SEND PM FOR LINKS, DON'T REPLY ON THREAD</strong>

wigjuice4815162342 said:

Hey there! I just posted below your post talking about this exact thing (I made an edit just like this). I used the full quality, untouched Blu-Ray files and the final project came out to be 884GB. It may not be important to everyone, but to me having this in the best possible quality was crucial. It’s huge, but worth it, in my opinion.

Hey WigJuice, this is very exciting news. I’ve sent you a DM about this, and if you’ve made a separate thread post about it could you please link it for us? Cheers.

EDIT: Here it is: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/A-New-EditApproach-Of-LOST-In-chronological-order/id/88226

Chronologically Lost HD (Remaster of Mike Maloney's edit) (Released) <strong>SEND PM FOR LINKS, DON'T REPLY ON THREAD</strong>

SpacemanDoug said:

Hey if there’s an updated version able to be made, I acquired 1080p rips of the original movie episodes for the seasons 4-5 finales and season 6 premiere, they all had their scenes re-arranged along with some minor cuts (plus I have the reconstructions of the movie edits for the seasons 1-3 finales in 1080p)

If you’re interested in getting them let me know

I’m not quite sure what you mean from your description. Who rearranged the scenes in those episodes you have?

I would be interested in seeing what you have got, if you can give me a link to download. After watching this Chronologically Lost HD series, I am still thinking of doing an edit of the whole show myself where the scenes are arranged in “causalogical” order. People earlier in this thread were talking about this being done in a project called Lost Chrono, but it seems to have been lost (no pun intended).

On a related note, if anybody who has done video editing could give me any tips on preserving audio/video quality and file sizes, please let me know. I would be considering buying a subscription to Adobe Premiere Pro (which I’ve never used before) and following suggestions from online (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvNf6La5d1c) to do so.

Chronologically Lost HD (Remaster of Mike Maloney's edit) (Released) <strong>SEND PM FOR LINKS, DON'T REPLY ON THREAD</strong>

Hi, I’ve been rewatching Lost and was just thinking of undertaking a project like this to put it in chronological order. Did a Google search and found that you’ve already done it! I would love to have a link to download if you can PM me. Cheers!