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Game of Thrones: Demystified (COMPLETE NEW SERIES - RELEASED)

daveybjones999 said:

So far with this edit I’ve watched up to the equivalent to the end of season 1 of the base show, and I’m really enjoying it so far. I was interested in how removing the Jon and Daenerys stuff would affect the show. The removal of Dany’s storyline was the most seamless as it’s pretty much entirely disconnected from the Westeros storylines until season 5 anyway so it worked well. I was more interested in seeing the removal of some of the Jon Snow storylines, and it was well handled the stuff that’s left in is mostly just the stuff that’s relevant to the other storylines, such as his stuff with Tyrion on the Wall and his reaction to Ned’s Death, with most of the rest of it cut off. The best work is done in streamlining the other storylines, for context season 1 is 10 episodes and this edit finishes with season 1 in 5 episodes. There was some stuff that I missed but most of the stuff cut is good. Definitely can’t wait to see the rest of it. The video and audio quality are also good, most of the cuts are relatively seamless, and the pacing within each episode works well. While I’ve only watched the first 5 episodes in their entirety I did skim through the final episode of this edit just to see where the storyline would be left off, and I like where the editor decided to cut it off, and it mostly works as an ending, from what I’ve seen. I’d definitely recommend this to anyone who likes Game of Thrones but doesn’t really like the later seasons.

Thank you so much for the kind words, I’m glad you’ve been enjoying it so far!

I’m curious about what edits you thought were less than seamless? It would help to know so maybe I can fix them.

For clarifications sake, Jon only appears in the first episode, and only in the first six minutes - the scene where they find the dire wolf pups; he had lines that couldn’t be cut. That is his last scene, so you may be misremembering or remembering a different fanedit.

Thanks for the review daveybjones999!

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

My biggest issue is I don’t know how well The World Between Worlds will work without the ground work Rebels lays to introduce it. I feel like it will come across as a random deus ex machina that is thrown in to get her out of the dire circumstance without any explanation as to what it is or how Ezra found his way there.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

bojangles said:

I love what you’ve done. you just gotta put a little more polish on it.

No editor’s ‘gotta’ do anything buddy, this is a hobby whose outputs we share with the community, not an obligation. But I will take a look at further polish.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you actually have to fix it, I just meant that in order for it to work that is what you have to do. You don’t have to make it work, but that is what you’re trying to do, so that was why I gave you the criticism.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

Okay, I just realized you added more than I thought. So in the second hologram call scene Dookus voice is very tinny when it switches to the new line, harshly contrasting with the line just before.

When Kit says “his heart was in the right place” the music noticeably changes. The same issue happens over Yodas line but slightly less noticeably.

I love what you’ve done. you just gotta put a little more polish on it.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

So the AI voice for Dooku sounds good, but the problem is its a bit louder and possibly more clear than his dialogue just before and its noticeable. Also his lips move for a second after he says “and deal with the Jedi swiftly”. I would instead have him say, “and deal with the Jedi swiftly, general” to have an extra word over the lip movement. Overall, I think this is a very good idea and connects the two episodes well but it needs a little more polish.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

I think the 501st episode is fine as is, except that you cut Cutups death. I’m guessing you did that because they barely react (likely because the Cadets episode was made after Rookies) but I think it makes Domino Squad feel less like a squad and more like a trio. This is kind of why I felt the Citadel was important, because we follow Domino squad until they dwindle down into nothingness, which feels less significant in this version of the show.

On the subject of the poisoning stuff, is it possible that the viewer can just infer that she’s referring to the children Maul and Savage killed when they were trying to get Kenobis attention? Its been a while since I’ve seen that episode so I don’t remember what the specifics were. Personally I think the episode works as is, but the question of why Ahsoka is teaching the students in secret still feels off.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

It worked OK before, but the dialogue to bridge the two was quite stilted, with both plots being referenced kind of out of order. Now, via polish and some AI lines, it’s much smoother.

I’m very interested to see how this works out! I loved the idea of the two episodes being combined but felt that it was too obvious they were two different episodes so I’m excited to see them have a stronger through line.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

Damn, Malevolence is actually a pretty watchable episode now! You’ve done a fantastic job as always.

I’m glad I could help with The Citadel! Its funny, you’ve convinced me that its not a necessary arc and it seems like I - as well as many others I’m sure - seem to have convinced you of its merit in inclusion.

In Dreams of Destiny there seems to be an extra frame between 5:07 and 5:08. I can’t seem to grab it at the moment without putting it into DaVinci to go frame by frame. Side note, I’m not sure I like the way you changed aspect ratios, I feel like cropping it would probably look the best. One final criticism is that I feel like the ending is out of place if the intent is for this content to be watched in chronological order. I could understand the perspective of seeing it as a cliffhanger tease but it just doesn’t work for me. Both of those are just my personal preference and I’m sure others feel differently. Overall, I love what you’ve done with those pieces of content.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

Brilliant idea! Can’t wait to see it!

Also, totally understand not wanting to edit content you don’t like. I recently watched The Renegade (fantastic edit btw) and I seemed to misremember it a bit. For some reason I thought Fives has more of a “I’m the last of my squad” element to his character in it which is why I was so gung ho about the Citadel.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

OK, I’ve had some requests lately for how I produce the intros and outros for my episodes.

And just before I begin, I absolutely welcome you guys to make your own TCW:R episodes using this format. If they can maintain the same quality (and that’s a fairly low bar), I’ll gladly host them and present them as extra episodes, or alternate versions of my existing episodes.

Thanks so much Eddie and congrats on winning Fanedit of the Month!

Game of Thrones: Demystified (COMPLETE NEW SERIES - RELEASED)

Demystified (formerly known as The Westeros Edit on Reddit) is a version of Game of Thrones that has very little magic left in it. Gone are Dragons, White Walkers, and Greenseers. That isn’t to say that magic doesn’t exist in this version, and in fact, the magic that is there seems to be even more mystical than it did before. The plot is now focused on the events in the mainland of Westeros. Jon, Dany, and much of Brans story is gone.

If you’re thinking, “how could that even work? What kind of an ending could this possibly have?” then you’re asking the same questions that I had to ask myself when I first came up with the idea for the project. Rest assured there is an ending and, while your mileage may vary, my girlfriend - who had never watched the show before - found it to be a very satisfying ending.

The entire project cuts the shows 73 episodes down into 27 episodes of varying length (some episodes are as short as 40 minutes, while the finale is 2 hours and 20 minutes). Each episode is around 8gb for a total of 219gb for the entire show. While it isn’t ideal, you can stream it from the link although the quality will be somewhat diminished (I was surprised at how good it looked though, definitely better than google drive.)

All but one of the episodes have been edited in some way with several episodes undergoing significant restructuring.

Feedback isn’t only welcome, but necessary to ensure it becomes the best it can be. I am also interested in any help that you’re willing to throw at me. I use the HBO static and then cold open from there, cutting the intro from every episode because it shows places that are relevant to the original show but not my version. I’ve also left the credits as they are, and since many of my episodes are combinations of two or more original episodes, they’re typically just the credits from the last episode used.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! Ask for a link and ye shall receive!

I won’t be updating here with much new information, so please refer to my post on fanedit.org for future updates and more information.


Episode 13: I am Hers, She is Mine v2

  • Removed a reference to Jon Snow when Theon and Luwin talk about Theons options at Winterfell. I previously could not find a way to seamlessly remove this line but have since found a way. If you have downloaded this episode already I would advise you to replace it with version 2.
The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

I’m with you on all the negatives of the episode but I do think its important to show the death scene of that certain character as it is important to the characterization of another character in The Renegade (order 66 arc) and I do like the Anakin and Tarkin scenes. I feel like its equally, if not more important than episodes like:

  • Assassin which only introduces Ahsoka to Ventress in a pretty bad episode since its from season 1.
  • Seven Warriors which only introduces Hondo and does basically nothing else except be a reference to a Kurosawa film that has been copied a million times. Also although Hondo appears in this episode for the first time his interactions with Obi and I believe Anakin imply they’ve known one another for a long time so his appearance in Pirates of the Outer Rim would be a suitable introduction anyway.
  • Attachments which is just a lesson for Ahsoka to let go of her attachment to Anakin in an otherwise mediocre story.

As far as what to cut from The Citadel, I sent you my rough edit of the episode that cuts about 15 minutes from what you ended up with. As you said there’s a lot of action that can be trimmed and there are a few scenes, especially with Sobek the lackluster villain that can be cut. Lots of things that I cut are just characters saying they’ll do something before they do it which is incredibly redundant, but maybe helpful to children who are the target audience of the show anyway.

Please don’t take any of the above criticism as anything negative, I love what you’ve done with the show as a whole and have been very inspired by the project.