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Team Negative1 - The Empire Strikes Back 1980 - 35mm Theatrical Version (Released)

Sigmoid said:

Did you guys also notice there being a few missing frames in the ISO version when Yoda is giving his famous “do or do not” lecture? It’s right at the border of two .m2ts blu-ray video fragments, Luke is looking to the right, and before it cuts back to Yoda on the next fragment, Luke “freezes” for a split second. Audio is fine, but it gives the impression as if there was a framedrop due to OS slowdown, even though I checked and double-checked, and it’s this way in the video.

Aha! Thank you so much, this is what I was looking for. Yes, at 01:09:00 a great big hiccup in the encode. It’s the same on the .mkv version out there too. Annoying to have a digital encoding error in this project, but at least I now know it’s universally there, not anything to do with one particular source. My thanks, better late than never, for the observation.