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Star Trek Deep Space Nine - DVD to 1080pHD Upscale

A few thoughts on the video quality so far as I’m watching it. It’s definitely an improvement on the sub-480p TV quality, but a few things stand in the little bit of skipping around I’ve done. (I used to have Emissary on VHS and watched it so much I practically know this episode by heart). I’d say about 98% of the time things look amazing! I know AI upscalers can be finicky and definitely aren’t perfect, but every once in a while it does detract from the scene.

The AI upscaler seems to have some problems with teeth and skin texture. Sisko’s talk with Jake at the beginning looks odd, like he’s got scar tissue on the right side of his face. It also can’t seem to hold on to things like dimples and forehead wrinkles. Bashir straight up gets one of those vertical facebones some aliens in Star Trek seem to have when he picks up the little doodad off the wrecked desk. It looks like the upscaler tries to give Opaka a mustache when she tells Sisko about the Orbs. Inconsistent fabric texture on uniforms. Little stuff, but noticeable enough to make me go “that looks odd.” It seems to look best when scenes are darker, though occasionally you’ll have scenes like when Dukat’s ship makes its appearance and it looks like everyone’s got little coronas around them.

Also, for compression, I would suggest looking up other-transcode. It’s a command-line program that’s essentially automatic and very easy to use. Your video files might be a little bit bigger than 1GB but it’s much faster, and in some cases actually outdid Handbrake in terms of quality while still having a smaller file.