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Original trilogy: Special Edition 1997 restoration | v2.0 Available now

Hi Director,

First off I thank you for your openness to learn. As That guy with no name said, people are rather passionate here – and, whether on purpose or not, to those unfamiliar with the tone here it can very much come off as snark.

Second, I appreciate you adding clarity on your sources. You’ll find that many of us will still be confused as none are familiar with a scan of the SE done in 2012. I am sure I am not the only one who would be curious to see some raw capture of that footage if you still have it handy, as the archivist in me (and ideally all of us) would love to learn more.

While I imagine being in 480p means this project is not for me, I’m always curious about the creative process behind restorations.

Harry Potter Saga in 4K Hybrid Open Matte/Scope - Theatrical Cuts


Just wanted to thank you for your level of work on these!

When Hunger Games: Catching Fire came out on video, it was the first time I’d seen shifting aspect ratio on home video – and I really wish more home releases utilized the feature it because it’s unique and adds an extra “wow” to the scenes with particularly strong visual spectacle.

I look forward to checking these out the next time I do a rewatch.

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

The same team that did the recent Cinderella 4k moved on to Snow White and the 4K version is coming to D+ October 16th. The physical release includes a mono mix (!), but I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s just a fold of the current 5.1


Project <strong>4K80</strong> (a WIP)

While that would be wonderful, I don’t share your optimism on the subject. Disney runs Lucasfilm very much like Lucas ran Lucasfilm. It’s a brand and a narrative first. Those alternate takes don’t matter because they didn’t make it, especially if they change the story in a significant fashion. I’m honestly surprised we ever got the deleted scenes from the OT.

ILM - Disney+ 6 part documentary series

Pretty laughable to be complaining about quality and claiming it’s an upscale if you’re solely comparing it to a YT upload; if there’s a trailer on D+ I’m unaware of, that’s a different story. Y’all do have more technical know-how than I do, but that seems like a stretch.

That being said, check out the shot of Han at 2:02–wonder where that source came from. I don’t think the GOUT has the damage evidenced in those frames. It might not be a new HD scan, but it’s definitely different footage than what we’re used to from Disney.

Info Wanted: Which is best? Harmy, 4K, Silver Screen etc?

I think an underrated qualifier is to consider your screen of choice.

I primarily use a by-now outddated TV as how I watch movies and TV. It has a hard time with shadows, turning 'em green, almost no matter how I calibrate it. So something like 4K77, while fantastic in of itself, looks objectively worse than Despecialized on my monitor – even without taking into account grain preference. Heck, even the Silver Screen Experience might turn out better for me than 4K77 for that reason (though it is objectively much, MUCH rougher).

Personal taste and equipment matter here.

Also, that some serious gravedigging you’ve done there StarWarsTrilogyNerd. We’ve got a million threads like this by now 😛

<strong>4K77</strong> - Released

Hi all,

Just wondering if a 1.4 with DNR was ever released. I’ve searched through some of the usual channels and had no luck. The restoration work regardless is a triumph, but I would prefer one with that color grading and a slightly smoother picture.

It’s possible I’ve never said it before, so congrats to Team -1 and Williarob. You have absolutely achieved commercial-grade work and we are all beyond grateful.

Current solvency

Wow–I am very glad to hear this. Thank you to all from the OT.com community helping keep this place alive. I’ve been here nearly half my life (yikes!) so I’m glad to see it will still be A Thing.

I don’t post much, but all my best to the mod team and members here. I must admit despite reservations about recent decisions, things have certainly gotten friendlier around here.

Best/Worst Parody Movie?

Love 'em, tolerate 'em, hate 'em, they’re definitely a thing!

I’ve noticed a few specific movie-themed threads coming up so I thought I’d pose this question as a thread in the hopes of getting more responses. What is your favorite parody movie, and why? If you are more inclined to respond to someone else’s and further that discussion than talk about your favorite, don’t be afraid to do that either.

The way I respond to parody I like tends to be a strong first reaction and fond memories, but no desire to go back to it unless I’m getting to show it to someone else for their first time.

Airplane! and Hot Shots: Part Deux are probably my favorites. Airplane! has better genre humor overall and will probably be better remembered than most movies it parodies, but I also enjoy Hot Shots for some of its specific lifts from some of my legitimately favorite movies.

As for worst, I assume I haven’t seen the worst. The duo behind Epic Movie I know did a ton more after that and I didn’t like that movie at all.

Info: Star Wars - What is wrong and what is right... Goodbye Magenta

Stotchy said:

I hate this thread.

I love this thread.

alt text

Ronster I don’t even hate every single test you’ve done, but your inability to follow basic advice is … laughable. How long would it take you to calibrate your monitor? I mean honestly! Take the five friggin’ minutes and maybe people will take you seriously.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

^This is very true. I remember even thinking ~6years ago that we could have been much more welcoming to new users. Although I never felt it myself, I definitely did see a certain amount of hazing going on throughout the forum. That’s where our agreements end, full stop.

That does not excuse how you continually abuse your power and borderline bully those who disagree with you.

As someone who has at previous points decried Off Topic’s tomfoolery led by OT’s very own Rat Pack, I have to admit–the more moderated the forums, the less fun it got. And I think it has to do with the appearance of a certain administrator more than mods asking people to, God forbid, follow the rules. The attitude I’ve seen from Jay, who admittedly is not alone in such awful behavior, is extremely off-putting. In all honesty, in other than most recent outbursts that were the final straw causing the bans, it seemed like everyone was on the run from him. And that’s no way to treat people who came to a community you run to talk about the stuff they care about.

Just a lurker’s two cents. In short, to Jay:

ChainsawAsh said:

Jeaus fucking Christ. The lack of self awareness on display here is astounding.

EDIT: removed something I regretted.

Random Thoughts

DuracellEnergizer said:

bkev said:

Handman said:

What do you look for in a friend?

I’ve kept my eye on this question for awhile now and I’m really surprised that so few people have answered it seriously.

In my defense, I’ve never had a close friend, and no casual friends since high school, so it’s not a question I could seriously answer.

No shade intended, Duracell. Sorry if my opening came off that way.

Random Thoughts

Handman said:

What do you look for in a friend?

I’ve kept my eye on this question for awhile now and I’m really surprised that so few people have answered it seriously. Then again, I’m a bit stumped by how to answer it myself. At 25, in my case, friendships either just happen or they don’t. After a certain age, shared interests isn’t enough to create a friendship; however, it can serve to maintain old ones.

Most friends I have I made around 5 years ago or further back. Not every single one, but most. I don’t go out much so I rely on people I already trust; but some of those relationships have grown stronger over the years, so it’s not a bad thing.

Proximity became a real thing in my early twenties. My first roommate out of college, who I don’t see or talk to often enough, has become someone I really trust. Low-maintenance friendships are pretty great that way–I might not be communicating with this person every day, but I trust them more than some people I talk to far more often. Shared experiences matter a lot, hence proximity mattering.

Can’t guarantee this is the sort of answer you were looking for but I wanted to contribute. It’s a hard question to answer and worth discussing.

The high functioning autistic thread

A few mainly unconnected thoughts, broken up by paragraph breaks:

I was diagnosed with aspergers-like tendencies as a child. They never gave me the full label, but they were serious enough about it to get me evaluated and all that fun stuff.

Personally I disagree with aspergers being out of the DSM, unfortunate history (involving Nazi scientists, joy!) of the name aside. While putting autism on a spectrum better defines how wide a range of symptoms there are, aspergers gave me a specific label for some of my more off-putting traits. And for whenever I feel like thinking logically, having that list helps me check myself. It’s always nice to see in writing some of the things that pop up in my life as a handicap.

I have my “on” and “off” days so to speak. Some days I have random bouts of TMI when I’m trying to bond with people. Other days I’m suddenly an uncomfortably quiet presence in a room. Still others, I’m less off-putting and even well-liked. But I think that has more to do with mood than social aptitude.

Some people in the autistic community aren’t into the hierarchy involved in labeling people as high vs. low functioning, and I understand why, but honestly? For the moment being I think it helps Joe Schmoe know that every person’s experience on the spectrum is different.

I’ve warmed to Sheldon Cooper as a representation of the spectrum. His quirks aren’t always shown as flaws and htey do come in handy for him at times. Plus, it’s hard to show nuance with any mental condition in popular culture – whether it be difference, mental illness, etc. It’s easier to make it the defining trait, hard to make an incidental part of character. He doesn’t represent me, but I hope someone out there who’s on the spectrum positively identifies with him as a piece of themselves widely visible on TV.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

I rewatchd TLJ last night at the $2 theater. I think it held up better than I expected. My only real complain was that it’s a bit on the long side due to all the subplots, but it never drags enough that that’s a dealbreaker.

I definitely thought it was worthwhile to watch again on the big screen, but I don’t think I’ll revisit this the way I do the OT. The good stuff in this movie, however, far exceeded the parts I liked in TFA. I’m excited for Episode IX.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

paja said:

For some reason my Pc Audio is not working and it say’s “No Audio Output Device is installed” This is Bullshit

I’ve been dealing with this with my MacBook Pro for a long time now. It turns out my Logic Board is fucked, but I am not paying more than I would for a Windows computer (quoted at $700!) just to get this almost 4-year-old machine fixed! And that was a 3rd party store no less. Goddamn Apple.

So I’ve been using this instead. https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-External-Adapter-Windows-AU-MMSA/dp/B00IRVQ0F8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1521181924&sr=8-3&keywords=audio+usb

Allows me to use headphones again. I kind of miss having speakers, but it hasn’t bugged me enough to look at getting a new computer.