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The Prequels: Missed Opportunity #7102636892 by George Lucas
JoeyJoeJoeJr. said:

What would have enhanced the entire PT would be to have the whole Obi-Wan / Padme / Anakin relationship be more of a love triangle. It would be much more sinister though than the Luke / Leia / Han triangle in the OT. Maybe have it where Obi-Wan saves Padme instead of Anakin in the Gladiator scene. Have some romantic interludes between just Padme and Obi-Wan and perhaps one where Anakin misinterprets what he sees, just before he really crosses over to the dark side (jealousy is not a light side of the force trait). None of this "I can save her from impending doom if I listen to prune-face" bullcrap. I found the whole dream sequence that Anakin had to be really contrived and hardly a good enough reason to switch teams. Then when Padme follows Anakin to Mustafar to try and talk some sense into him and the stowaway Obi-Wan emerges, in a split second he figures the child that she is carrying is actually Obi-Wan's and that she is trying to manipulate him. In a flying rage he force chokes and perhaps force pushes her where she is mortally wounded before Obi-Wan can react. Then a climactic lightsaber duel that doesn't drag on so much, 3 minutes max. Have some trash talking between the two like:

Obi-Wan: You Sith bastard! Has your new dark master warped your mind so badly that you would kill the woman you love whom is carrying your child?

Anakin: My child?! I saw what happened between you two when we were on Planet X!

Obi-Wan: Unlike you, Anakin, I have not so willfully abandoned my Jedi Knighthood. I'll admit to being tempted, but I never gave in to my desires. I don't think you can say the same.

Anakin: Liar! You two have been conspiring against me all this time! Trying to keep me from reaching my full potential! Well my new master has nurtured me and now I am even more powerful than you... or any of the Jedi for that matter!

Obi-Wan: Your arrogance has gotten you into trouble before, my young Padawan. Don't fool yourself thinking this time will be any different.

Anakin: *Evil laugh* Padawan?! You insult me for the last time, [sic] Master. After I am finished with you, I will erase any memory of the Jedi from the galaxy. My master and I will let no one stand in our way!


Then as Obi-Wan delivers what he figures to be a killing blow, lopping off both of Anakin's arms and a blow to the back rendering his legs useless. It could also be an excuse for his trouble breathing and why he eventually gets his signature breathing apparatus as Vader.


Obi-Wan: Forgive me, Anakin. I never wanted it to end like this. (Holding his lightsaber at Anakins throat)

Anakin: Nonsense! (coughing) It's what you wanted all along! To steal Padme away from me! Well I stole her away from you just now, didn't I? (choking and coughing up blood a little)

Obi-Wan: My duty is to kill any Sith I encounter without any hesitation. (Retracts his lightsaber). Instead I will let you die slowly, not because I am cruel, like you. No, I will allow you to live just a little while longer because I once loved you like a son. You will never know that feeling, because of your contempt for innocent life. First you slaughtered our younglings and then you killed Padme along with your unborn child. I want to give you a chance before you draw your final breath to reflect on why she came to you. She still saw some good in you, Anakin. She thought she could save you. (Kneels closely to Anakin and whispers). The only thing you stole from me was my faith in you... that you were the chosen one.

Then Obi-Wan returns to the ship, realizes Padme is barely clinging to life, they get to the rebel base, the twins are born, she dies yadayadayada, roll credits....there's your movie.


Listen to this man. THIS is what would seduce someone into using the darkside: jealousy. A love triangle. Anakin believes Obi-Wan to be betraying him behind his back, but no real evidence to back it up, so he's acting out of EMOTION. The emotion of jealousy. That's among the most powerful dark emotions.


Obi-Wan wouldn't act on his adulterous feelings. Maybe have an accidental kiss between Padme and him. Because even Jedi have their moments of weakness. Anakin might see it, jump to all sorts of conclusions, and then we have our hate-filled Sith ready to knock off Jedi.

Episode 3's Wasted Characters

I'll watch a few scenes from TPM or ROTS once in a blue moon.. Mainly Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan VS Darth Maul, and Vader's injuries and cybernetic recreation from ROTS. I just realized I haven't watched AOTC in a very, very long time. To me it's just a terrible, unsalvagable mess of a film.

Overall... I wouldn't call myself a PT hater so much as someone who is mature enough to see that the OT is far superior in every aspect.

Episode 3's Wasted Characters
skyjedi2005 said:

So i watched it and i guess i agree with a lot of your points on the failures of the prequels.

I liked the qui gon scene in the script and the novelization as well as padme starting the rebellion.

Grievous was a better character in the Genndy Series and was awful loony tunes level silly in episode III and the new 2008 clone wars cartoon.

Obviously the Rebellion's beginning has been scrapped from Episode III and stricken from canon, and only on the second disc of the dvd of rots as a bonus.

The rebellion's start according to Lucas is now to be what was done in the force unleashed.

I won't say how because some may have not yet played the game, but it is an awful and stupid idea for the rebellions beginning and craps all over the original trilogy.


 Agreed. Their attempt at irony turned out pretty ridiculous.






Everyone, a new version of the review has been posted, using MY voice as an alternative to the synthesizer. Much of the dialogue is also different. Note that my voice will become more audible once the "Problemo Numero Uno" pic comes up. Check it out.

Episode 3's Wasted Characters
skyjedi2005 said:

Electronic computer voice on the video=FAIL

Did not even bother to watch the whole thing it was awful.


 Judging by your other posts in this forum, I know you would appreciate the content itself. The synthesizer was me experimenting with a new style... though, if enough people object to it, I might consider creating a new audio with me at the microphone. Please consider watching it again if that happens.

Episode 3's Wasted Characters
I agree with you on General Grievous as long as it's in the context of the film. But in Star Wars: Clone Wars (isolated some clips in the vid to show this), he seems like a villain that very well COULD have been realized as great and memorable. The unique design of his character, his intimidating demeanor, the fluidity of which he makes his movements, all of it build up to high potential that never made it to ROTS, mainly because of the coughing/weazing/hunching of his back, etc.