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Puggo GRANDE - 16mm restoration (Released)
Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:
bill77 said:

Thank you sooo much for all your time and effort in making this possible. After watching this today, I really feel that I have experienced Star Wars circa 1977.

Thanks for the kind words. I'm really glad that people are enjoying it.  It was a good year's worth of work.

Interestingly, I have to say that, while I understand people seeing it as a trip back to 1977, it really isn't that for me.  My memory of 1977 was seeing it in pristine glory, without any blemishes.  I won't transport back to 1977 until SW is properly restored from a 70mm high quality print, like we saw back then in the theaters when it first came out.



I still can't believe that I've watched an original print from the 1970's with the mono mix. How lucky are we! Who knows...maybe one day there will be a 70mm restoration.  Upon further reflection....this takes me back to the summer of '79 when I saw SW at a drive-in. The mono mix must have been used for that showing.  The main attraction of the evening for me was a preview of ESB!


Puggo GRANDE - 16mm restoration (Released)
MoveAlong said:

On another note... To the people who have this now, didn't Puggo do an amazing job? Considering all the work necessary, this is up there with the best of the fan projects IMHO. Bravo!



Thank you sooo much for all your time and effort in making this possible. After watching this today, I really feel that I have experienced Star Wars circa 1977. BTW, love the PSA!  Thanks again!


question about synching the gout with the mono mix
This is what I got:

**ERROR: [???] Need to split output but there appears to be no %d in the filename pattern C:\Torrents\d1\swmono\title1.mpg

Process aborted due to above error
Error code #5
There was an error in multiplexing the titles. One of the m2v files has 'end sequence codes' in it that must be removed in order for it to multiplex correctly. This could be caused by an mpeg joining program or something similar. Use restream to remove these 'end sequence codes'.