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"Max Rebo Band Source" stitch-together/restoration

This is my attempt to create a more accurate approximation of Max Rebo Band Source (aka. Galactic Dance Blast) using audio from TeamNegative1’s scan of From Star Wars To Jedi, and a different Max Rebo Band Source stitch-together done by Film Score Media on YouTube. I removed the narration from the From Star Wars to Jedi audio using FL Studio’s AI stem separation tool, did some EQ to remove noise, and then I found the cleanest parts throughout the audio to put together the best quality version I can, and in cases where there simply weren’t any usable versions in the audio, I used the Film Score Media version. It isn’t perfect, but it’s more than I’ve found before. It cuts earlier than in the scan audio since from the odd placement of some sections of the song at the end of the scan audio, I’m pretty sure the song actually loops. I don’t have a clean version of the very end of the song, so I just had it fade out. Quite a bit of the song that’s never been released before actually is in here and relatively clean, there’s a large amount that isn’t though that I decided to leave in to give a better idea of how much/what is lost currently. If anyone has anything that could help with this project, please send it in a comment. Thanks, and enjoy!


Original Star Wars logo font?

oojason said:

I think it is Dan Perri’s own custom work. There is a little more on it, with some ideas on what the font may consist of, in the link below:-


There may also be some more additional info on it in the ‘Star Wars font, crawl & logo information’ category of the An Index & Help Thread for Case Covers, Disc Labels, and Fan Art thread. 👍


The Star Wars Holiday Special: Remastered and Restored (Released)

A revised edition has started production! Here’s a list of changes I want to make:

Recropping to a 1.78 resolution. (Thanks to MattMahdi for the suggestion.)
Now using the EditDroid version of the Holiday Special as main source. (Thanks to nobodybutjarjar42 for the suggestion.)
Fixing an issue in the credits in which one of the credits was in the wrong place.
Remastering the 20th Century Fox Television logo.

I have already tried to remaster the 20th Century Fox Television logo, and would like feedback on it.
Here’s a link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wKLNmDam86i8LNEXsM8FrS51enVTCMGJ/view?usp=sharing

Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

The Star Wars Holiday Special: Remastered and Restored (Released)

MattMahdi said:

It is a shock to see the Special in widescreen and the opening start destroyers so clear – and then to shift to a fairly muddy-looking main program. Not a bad shock, just a surprise – I’d somehow missed that word in the opening post.

As nobodybutjarjar42 asked a few posts earlier, which transfer did you use? The EditDroid transfer really is fabulous, and if you’re going to be cropping and zooming it’s probably the best place to start.

And if I may offer an opinion…

At times the widescreen seemed too severe. The moment that stuck out the most is when the Imperial officer’s transmission came in looking for the missing trooper. It seemed so HUGE that I wonder if it might have been wiser to aim for an aspect ratio of 1.78 (plain old widescreen TV) rather than the 2.35 you used. Just as pan-and-scan of an old movie to a 1.33 screen was a sad thing once upon a time, here you’ve lost almost half the original image if I’ve done my maths correctly.

That said, a great experiment.

The transfer was… just a post from youtube…
I currently am thinking about making a revised version of this, and I do feel kind of motivated now. The EditDroid scan looks a LOT nicer than the scan I used, and it would probably be better to use a 1.78 aspect ratio.


The Star Wars Holiday Special: Remastered and Restored (Released)

benduwan said:

and this is no offense in your work or would be like rude.editing is very tricky.

Absolutely no offense taken. I could try making a revised version with a better copy of the Holiday Special, along with some other changes. Again, I am in no way doing this because you said it’s not the best, this was kinda what I wanted to do from the beginning. 😃

The Star Wars Holiday Special: Remastered and Restored (Released)

benduwan said:

i have try to watch this but it´s in terrible shape.file less than 1gb.😕
sorry for these kind of words.
watched this movie several times in different quality but for a “restored” movie it´s very,very bad…
no offense to your work,but it´s the worst i´ve ever seen.
this bad movie needs a quality upgrade not a downgrade…
i´m sorry to say this,but it´s unwatchable…😦
try again.
harder,more intense…😃

It’s okay. I understand I didn’t do a very good job, I just really wanted to release it. This was a very special project to me, and I just really felt like I needed to get it out to the public. As I said in the original post, this was more of a project to see if I could commit to this kind of thing, and the file size reduction actually doesn’t mean anything. I compared the project file with the final export, and they look and sound exactly the same. Of course, I respect your opinion, and if you dislike it, that’s okay.

The Star Wars Holiday Special: Remastered and Restored (Released)

A little while ago, I decided to start a small project, in which I would “restore” the Star Wars Holiday Special in widescreen. I slowly realized this project was more just a way to see if I could commit to this kinda thing, and I can! I did make the mistake of not making a post about it until now. I did spend a lot of time on it and am very proud of it.

Includes 2 audio tracks, The Custom Mix (Default), and Original Audio.

If you want it, send me a PM or let me know in a reply.

A revised edition has started production! Here’s a list of changes I want to make:

Recropping to a 1.78 resolution. (Thanks to MattMahdi for the suggestion.)
Now using the EditDroid version of the Holiday Special as main source. (Thanks to nobodybutjarjar42 for the suggestion.)
Fixing an issue in the credits in which one of the credits was in the wrong place.
Remastering the 20th Century Fox Television logo.

I have already tried to remaster the 20th Century Fox Television logo, and would like feedback on it.
Here’s a link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wKLNmDam86i8LNEXsM8FrS51enVTCMGJ/view?usp=sharing

Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Okay, so, I might put this project on hold.

sorry, beeswithchainsaws

Anyone know what this Star Wars crawl title font is?

So, I was rewatching the star wars movies and I noticed TFA has a different font for the subtitle of the movie.

Example: https://imgur.com/a/2PfpEy8

Notice how Return of the Jedi looks a bit bolder. I already have the force awakens font (obviously, it’s pretty generic) but I was wondering if anyone knows the name of the font the rest of the films use.
