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Conan The Barbarian 1982 US Theatrical Edition & BONUS! *RELEASED*

You_Too said:

I completely agree. The end text shouldn't have been changed. Other than that I really prefer the extended cut. The princess is a very mysterious character that we see way too little of in the theatrical cut. Actually, a while ago I read a bit about the making of the film and they even shot a scene in one of the cities where Conan and Subotai met the princess. It would be nice to see all those deleted scenes sometime. I found a few on youtube but not that one.

 I wasn't aware of this scene until I had a look at the Conan The Barbarian Movie Adaptation, Marvel Super Special 21. Lots of interviews and fun stuff in there too.

Look what just popped up for sale-


Conan The Barbarian 1982 US Theatrical Edition & BONUS! *RELEASED*

A bit off-topic, but while we wait here is the manuscript up for auction containing the inspiration for the famous vulture biting scene.


In his dulled ears sounded the louder beat of wings. Lifting his head he watched with the burning glare of a wolf the shadows wheeling above him. He knew that his shouts would frighten them away no longer. One dipped—dipped—lower and lower. Conan drew his head back as far as he could, waiting with terrible patience. The vulture swept in with a swift roar of wings. Its beak flashed down, ripping the skin on Conan's chin as he jerked his head aside; then before the bird could flash away, Conan's head lunged forward on his mighty neck muscles, and his teeth, snapping like those of a wolf, locked on the bare, wattled neck.

Instantly the vulture exploded into squawking, flapping hysteria. Its thrashing wings blinded the man, and its talons ripped his chest. But grimly he hung on, the muscles starting out in lumps on his jaws. And the scavenger's neck-bones crunched between those powerful teeth. With a spasmodic flutter the bird hung limp. Conan let go, spat blood from his mouth. The other vultures, terrified by the fate of their companion, were in full flight to a distant tree, where they perched like black demons in conclave.