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Quote: Imperial Walker

The one SW toy that I always wanted when I was a kid and was never able to get was the huge Imperial Walker. I had just about all the figures (even the special ones that you had to send away for), a couple of Tie Fighters, models, Ewok Village, bed sheets, shirts, posters, etc. But I always wanted an Imperial Walker. I was just wondering if anyone here knew how much one goes for nowadays. I know that a mint condition one would be horrendous, but what about one in played with but decent condition ? You know, all the parts ; doors, guns, no marks/nicks to speak of ? I don’t have the money to get one right at the moment, but I’m just curious as to what the price WOULD be.

What Special Edition changes (if any) did people like?
I loved most of the changes. The ones that I cannot stand, and try to ignore when I watch the movies are these :

1.The crap song in Jabba's palace.

2. The emperor's line about "this is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker" The line doesn't fit Vader's reaction. In the end of ROTS, he's gets so mad that he rips his restraints off the table and pops some of the droids. If Vader found out that his son was in fact alive, shouldn't he have been more, oh, I don't know, happy ? With that line, he doesn't seem like he cares too much and not really all that surprised.

3. The stupid song at the end of Return Of The Jedi. The music doesn't really fit the action. The Naboo scene would've been alright if it wasn't for the group of Gunguns (sp?) climbing all over the roof of that building.

4. Hayden Christensen inserted in the ghost scene in Return Of The Jedi. Just dumb. I don't buy him at all as an actor.

5. The Solo/Jabba scene in ANH. Kind of takes away the grossness and surprise at seeing Jabba later on.

6. Of course, the Greedo scene. Why the hell would Lucas change this so dramatically ? It was much better when Greedo didn't shoot at all. The CG that was used to make Han jerk to the side to avoid Greedo's blast was so horrible. Ugh.