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The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Director's Cut (Released)
Hey Garrett,

I've been off the forum here for the past week or so -- I've been fighting a flu for nearly two months now,
and just when I thought I finally got rid of it, it kicked in BIG TIME again. *Ugh*


I saw all the questions regarding the Canadian "Froot Loops" Promo Release of THIEF. Since I have a
copy, I pulled it out and checked -- and it 100% positively contains both an English and French
Dolby Digital 5.1 mix.

As I said before, if I can be of any help with this (or any future) projects, just ask. So if you still have
need of the Canadian Promo for the 5.1 track (or anything else), ask and I will be happy to provide.
Just lemme know if you still need it, and I can send/drop off the original, or a copy, or whatever.

Oh, and before I forget, thanks for resending the Rough Cut + the OCP disc -- these new copies
actually worked in all my players this time around! It was terrific to have something fantastic to
watch while hacking my lungs out at home... many many thanks! I can't wait to see the final
cut of THIEF!

(Just as an FYI -- There is a minor problem with the new Rough Cut version you burned for me.
When I first put it in to watch, the aspect ratio was waaay off... around 1.78:1. I knew you were
editing this together at a proper 2.35:1, so obviously something wasn't quite kosher here. Turns
out that the anamorphic bit doesn't seem to be set on the copy you sent me, since it isn't being
recognized by any of my players. Thankfully, I can manually turn "on" the 16:9 compression mode
on my Wega, so viola, a full and properly-rendered 2.35:1 image. Anyway, I just thought you
should be aware of this…

And that is... that...

Talk to you later...
Help: looking for... Harry Potter extended cuts
Hey folks,

I am looking for a kind soul here who would do me the honor of
providing me with a PIF of HP #1-3.

In a tale of woe some of you might find "interesting," I initially
requested these in this other request thread on the forum
10 days back. Unfortunately, the person who WAS going
to send me a copy was unable to do so a couple days later.
Instead, he asked me to contact another person for the disc
set, who forwarded me to another person, which in turn led
to Boomstick.... who suggested that I repost my request in
this thread and get myself into the current PIF lineup. (Many
thanks to Boomstick and the others for all their help -- it's

And there we are -- how's that for a fun week-long PM runaround,
eh? Oh well, such is life, and we move on. But I'm glad that
I now seem to be in the proper thread for requesting the
HP set. (Er, at least I hope I am...)

As I posted in the "other" thread, I did have one request regarding
the HP's, which I hope doesn't sound too strange. Here goes:
I am looking to obtain an HP set in both DL and SL formats.

Here's why...

In all honesty, I was initially interested in obtaining only the DL set
for myself and for PIF'ing. Unfortunately, thanks to some nasty curves
life has thrown at me recently, I no longer have the ability to burn DL
discs -- at least until I can afford to rebuy a new external burner.
Because of this, I would not be able to PIF any DL sets for a least a
couple of months... and that simply didn't sit right with me. I don't
know about other people, but I take my PIF obligations seriously.

Therefore, I was looking for someone -- or a couple of people -- who could
provide with me either the DL or SL HP sets, separately or both together.

This way, I could enjoy watching my own DL HP set until I am able to get
my burner upgrade. And in the meantime, this arrangement would also allow
me to immediately begin fulfilling my PIF obligations by getting some SL
sets out to folks in the need. I do already have several people who've arranged
to obtain PIF sets thorugh me once I receive them, but I will gladly provide
some additional SL sets here on the forum as well.

Because of my "unusual" DL+SL request, I plan on PIF'ing more than the
usual 3 copies/sets most people seem to be willing to provide. I think that's
only fair...

Oh, and before I forget, if you do have a DL set you could forward to me,
please make sure you CAN provide it as a "ready-to-pop-in-and-watch"
version. A couple folks I spoke with earlier DID have DL sets, yet were
unable (or... um... unwilling) to provide them to me as an actual DL DVD
set -- instead, I would have been sent 5 CD-ROMs with RAR'd files.
Normally not an issue, but with my current situation, well... that's what
I'd call a major show stopper!

Well, that's that -- I've babbled on more than enough for one posting.
And speaking of posts, I know this is only my 3rd or 4th post here,
even though I've been reading the forum just about every day for the
past few months. As such, please feel free to check out my own "PIF"
seeding stats over at myspleen under "baronbrain" if you are curious.
(No .20 or .30 ratio for me... I'm around 1.2 now, but constantly seeding
and trying to reach my goal of a 2.0!)

Many MANY thanks in advance for anyone able to help me out with
this in any way -- it's VERY much appreciated! Please PM me if you
are able to help me spread the H.P. joy around a bit more. (Just as
FYI for mailing purposes, I'm in L.A.)

Regards to all...

First of all, for those of your who live in NTSC land and don't have a multi-region
player capable of playing/converting PAL discs, you may already have another
option you are not aware of...

NTSC Xbox's WILL play PAL discs and convert them for NTSC output on your TV,
so longer as the DVD is a region free disc (i.e. Region 0). This obviously isn't
something that Microsoft advertises about the Xbox, but it does work, and
does a beautiful job of it at that! Also, this is the original Xbox I'm talking
about, not the Xbox 360 (which might work the same way, but since I don't
have one yet, I cannot personally check it out).

And now that that tidbit it over with, is there anyone here in the United States
(or elsewhere) that would be able to PIF a copy my way? (I'm in the Los Angeles
area). I already have a few folks lined up that I myself would be PIF-ing this
to afterwards, but I would also be able to provide a few additional copies here
as well. (Although this is only my second post here on the board, I've been
lurking around for many months; but please feel free to check out my ratio/stats
over at myspleen.net under "baronbrain", which should show you that I'm a man
of my word when I say I'll PIF, and not just a leech.).

Please PM me if you are U.S. local and able to do this...

Many thanks in advance for you help in obtaining this -- it's
very much appreciated!

Regards to all...

(Ahhh... the day my finger's can properly spell out "NTSC" correctly the first time around...)
***The ADigitalMan non-Star Wars DVD Info and Feedback Thread***
I am looking for a kind soul here who would do me the honor of
providing me with a PIF of ADM's set of HP #1-3. Just as an FYI
in advance, I do own the entire original set from WB (and don't
forget that HP #4 is coming out next Tuesday!).

I do have one request, which may come across as slightly on the
strange side... If at all possible, I would be extremely grateful if
someone could kindly forward my way one set in both formats -- DL
and SL.

In all honesty, I would very much like to have a DL set for myself -- but
I unfortunately do not have the abilities to burn or PIF DL discs just yet...
only SL.

This way, I could immediately begin to PIF SL sets -- I already have
several folks in line who I have arranged to send PIF SL sets to, and I
will also gladly be able to PIF at least 2-3 sets here as well.

And in the meantime, I could at least enjoy my own DL HP set until I
can upgrade and PIF a few DL sets.

If this is an arrangement that is absolutely impossible to do, I would at
least appreciate an SL set, since I can PIF that right away. And yes,
even though this is my first posting here, I've been here reading
just about every day for the past few months. And please feel free to
check out my own "PIF" seeding stats over at myspleen under
"baronbrain" if you are curious.

Either way, many many thanks in advance for your help with this --
it's very much appreciated! Please PM me if you are able to help me
help spread the HP joy around a bit more. (Just as FYI for mailing
purposes, I'm in L.A.)

Regards to all...
