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JURASSIC PARK 35mm 4K scan + 35mm 4k scans of many trailers Mega Project including the rare Spiderman Twin Towers Teaser, Blade Runner, Pretty In Pink and numerous, some rare, others, see post (WIP - 6.5K scans of JP and trailers complete. Scan data now in hand! Funding of the project is a little past half-way now. Contributor only project for feature. I can't publicly distribute it. Small preservation project.)

Hi - this looks fantastic. Would like to donate if still possible

Info: Back to the Future - without DNR & EE

TServo2049 said:

Damn, did the opportunity get away because we didn't have enough donations and waited too long, or what?

If I had known we were on a ticking clock, I may have just bitten the bullet and donated the full amount. :(

This is why we need more people willing to donate.


What a shame.  Fingers crossed that kind soul can source another print.  If it was a ticking clock that stopped this happening I'd also have upped my donation

Info: Back to the Future - without DNR & EE

PDB said:

jedimasterobiwan said:

PDB said:

badgerstuta said:

PDB said:

Well, I have good news. Still trying to get all the details but some of us might have found a 35mm print of BTTF to rent and have scanned. I'm posting this here to see if there is enough interest and money (more importantly money) to get this scanned. Probably all in it would be $900, maybe more, maybe less. So its not cheap but frankly its a very rare opportunity. 

If anyone thinks the can donate please let me know

(AMPS guys can view the post over there too)

 Would be happy to donate. The blu Ray is an abomination

 That's great bagerstuta!

I know a lot of people don't have the money but just giving $10 or $20 would go a long way to help.

 I hope you find a bttf 2 35mm print as well.

 Well if we can't get any movement and help on 1, there is no point to working on 2. People here expressed a desire to see a 35mm print scanned but from what I hear a 35mm print of BTTF in private hands is very rare. It took a lot of effort for someone to locate number 1. So if you want to see the original colors, framing, grain, etc, scanning an original print is the only way to do that.

 Jurassic Park was the first (Non-SW) scan to come out but there are a lot of other great films are being worked on right now. Problem is there is a small group paying out of their own pockets to see these films scanned. And its for purely altruistic reasons. They just want people to see the film they love, the way it was meant to look, the way it looked in the theater. Problem is there is only so much money to go around and it is drying up. No one here is rich.

So if you want to see BTTF please commit to donate. We are not asking for hundreds of dollars just $20 or hell even a bunch of people at $10 would help. Otherwise its not going to happen.

 Stick me down for $100.  Anyone with a passing interest in seeing BTTF in it's best possible light should try and get involved.  Universal certainly aren't going to do the decent thing


PDB - any idea what kind of shape the print is in ?

Info: Back to the Future - without DNR & EE

PDB said:

Well, I have good news. Still trying to get all the details but some of us might have found a 35mm print of BTTF to rent and have scanned. I'm posting this here to see if there is enough interest and money (more importantly money) to get this scanned. Probably all in it would be $900, maybe more, maybe less. So its not cheap but frankly its a very rare opportunity. 

If anyone thinks the can donate please let me know

(AMPS guys can view the post over there too)

 Would be happy to donate. The blu Ray is an abomination