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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Can you explain the continuity error? It shows R2 being winched onto the x-wing, and in the next scene it shows him being lowered into his spot within the fuselage.
EDIT: I studied it closely and i can see what you mean, but I honestly would never have noticed if I wasn’t looking for it.

Also, I will leave the link up for now, and if a mod asks me to remove it I’ll edit the post and start using PMs instead.

I would also argue that it falls under preservation, as it is an original unaltered scene that was shot alongside the rest of the film. I would agree if the scene was loaded with CGI “improvements”, but as far as I can tell it’s exactly the same as it was back in 1977. My color corrections and sequencing revert the scene back to what it probably looked like when it was still included in early edits of the film during the post production process. Deleted scenes deserve to be preserved as well, because at worst they provide insight into the production of the film, and at best they contain something vital to the plot that should never have been removed to begin with (compare Blade Runner: The Final Cut to the original theatrical cut for an example of this).

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Hi all, this is my first post, but I’ve been an admirer of Harmy’s work for some time. I really enjoy Star Wars Despecialized Edition, but I had one problem with it that was really bothering me: I think that for all of the mistakes Lucas made when he was creating the special editions, his decision to include the scene of Luke and Biggs meeting in the hangar was a good one. Up until that point we had only ever heard passing references to Biggs, and other than a brief line later on mentioning “beggar’s canyon back home”, there is really no indication that the Biggs who is flying as Luke’s wingman is the same Biggs he grew up with on Tatooine. The scene in the hanger firmly establishes that this is indeed the same Biggs, and it shows us how close the two of them really are as friends (this is even more important seeing as all of Biggs’ scenes from the beginning of the movie got cut in post-production).

The reason this scene is so vital is because it gives emotional weight to Biggs’ subsequent death during the Battle of Yavin, which otherwise does not have much more of an impact than the deaths of the many others who died during that battle. Remember that Luke grew up as an only child, and Biggs was the closest thing he had to a younger brother; by making us see Biggs as a close friend of Luke’s with whom he looks forward to spending a bright future fighting alongside, it becomes all the more tragic when that life is suddenly cut short so close to the end of the battle. I am firmly of the opinion that not only was it a good idea to add this scene back into the Special Edition, but that the scene should never have been cut in the first place.

I decided I wanted to do something about this, so I ripped the scene from the 2011 Blu-Ray version and went about editing it back into Harmy’s Despecialized Edition. This actually took longer than I expected, as I had to make a lot of adjustments to get the color to match with the rest of the film. In spite of this, and after a few hours of tinkering with the color balance, gamma, contrast, and various filters (and a few more hours of trying to get my cheap editing software to export properly without introducing any glitches or artifacts), I think I got it just right. It isn’t “archival quality”, as due to disk space restraints I was working with a 720p down-scaled version of Harmy’s original (which also helped to speed up the rendering time somewhat). However, it still looks great and is a reasonable enough size for anyone to be able to download. Below I have included a Google Drive link for a before-and-after screenshot, as well as a link for the file itself. Since I imagine that the mods would not be happy with me directly linking to the entire movie, I will instead link to a page on pastebin where the direct link can be found.

Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UarulnvFCf3-esqwC_BSp1h0rQjuDDHM/view?usp=drivesdk

Movie: link deleted by moderator.

Moderator Note: If members are in any doubt as to the site and fan edit / preservation rules - even after reading them, then please ask a moderator - BEFORE putting up links - thank you.