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❕ <strong>Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com |</strong> Introduce yourself in here | <strong>Useful info within</strong> ❕

Hello All,

My name is Andrew, and I discovered OGT during my long journey to hunt down the original un-specialized trilogy.

I have been a Star Wars fan since the womb. My mother saw the Empire Strikes Back when she was pregnant with me and as a 3yr old I saw ROTJ in theaters (I don’t remember much but I was there!). My first memorable exposure to Star Wars was on television. It was a special evening showing on network television (84/85?) and I remember my jaw dropping and from then on it has been a deep part of my life.

I do remember however the period between ROTJ and 1990 as being one of pure fandom. The series was over, there was nothing left except to watch it endlessly on VHS. So we made up our own stories and pretended to live in a galaxy far far away. Until Heir to the Empire.

All of a sudden there was a new excitement around Star Wars and the magic was back. I’m sure everyone on here knows all too well the various disappointments and exploitation’s that occurred in the years since. So my journey lead me here to the Haramy restorations and hopefully what will be a return to the magic once again.

I am excited to join this community and be a part of that journey!

May the Force be with you.