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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

dahmage said:
no, Kodi just doesn’t like these disks.

To be specific, the logs report that Kodi believes the disc to be AACS-protected and hence unplayable. Copying the BDMV folder onto another disc and pointing Kodi at that works fine.

I suspect it’s a bug in Kodi’s player, tbh. The disc contains an AACS folder; perhaps Kodi spots this and just assumes that the disc must be protected rather than trying to decode the stream.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Stinky-Dinkins said:

Remember that scene in The Two Towers when Gollum argues with himself?

Bad Troyig88 said:

will Jedi be done by years end?

Good Troyig88 said:

I hope so.

Bad Troyig88 said:

I am not counting on it.

Good Troyig88 said:

It will get done.  

Bad Troyig88 said:

I really miss the days when we would be treated to a new clip he was working on and the boards would light up.

Good Troyig88 said:

As for what the future holds I sure he will do other film edits to what those may be....he only knows.

 *sprays coffee*

You owe me a new keyboard!  Very well played, sir! :-)

Team Negative1 - Return of the Jedi 1983 - 35mm Theatrical Version (unfinished project)

I was discussing the film with a friend a few months ago, and he mentioned that he was certain that the subtitles for the scene between Jabba and Boushh had been altered at some point since the original 1983 release (which he saw in the cinema) as those on every home video release he'd seen since then didn't match his recollections.

In a nutshell, he recalls one of the subtitles containing a four-letter word.  This struck me as unlikely for this particular film, but I'm not in a position to confirm or deny it myself - do the subs in the prints you have provide any evidence for this?

ON HOLD: A New Hope: ReVHSed (Pan & Scan of Adywan's Revisited)

Davnes007 said:

I use Vegas Pro, and I periodically have issues using PAL sources. Sometimes a repeated frame would show up in the wrong spot near where I made a cut/split. Other than that, I haven't encountered serious frame rate issues.

I've seen that with Premiere too - it seems to be a problem either with its handling of the file-format (Premiere's MPG parser is somewhat borked) or with the specific codec in use - again, it seems to be the MPG codecs that are the issue here.

Are you seeing this with specific files/encodings, or does it happen with everything?

ON HOLD: A New Hope: ReVHSed (Pan & Scan of Adywan's Revisited)

TV's Frink said:

 I was talking about the dude above me.


I have Studio as well, it works great for the cost.

I was being sarcastic :-)

It beggared belief that not only had Sony mucked up something as basic and fundamental as frame-rates, they also apparently thought that this broken behaviour was acceptable.  I worked out what they'd done by manually editing the headers of some AVIs until I found the pair of numbers that got Vegas to work correctly.

Premiere, which I was also trialling at the time, didn't have this problem so that's what I went with.  It was somewhat more expensive, and had its own pile of issues (this was a little while ago!), but at least it wasn't stuffed.


ON HOLD: A New Hope: ReVHSed (Pan & Scan of Adywan's Revisited)

The last time I used Vegas, I discovered that it had a very narrow view of what constituted a 'valid' 29.97fps file.  I was working with AVIs at the time, which store their framerate as a vulgar fraction, and it turned out that Vegas would only handle a rate of *exactly* 29.97 correctly.  Anything else, such as 30000/1001 (which is more accurate) resulted in Vegas repeating or dropping frames.

I reported this to Sony, who claimed that there was no problem.  I gave up in disgust and switched to a professional NLE.


I didn't try anything at 23.976, since I was working on a video project at the time, but frankly I wouldn't trust Vegas with non-integer framerates any further than I could comfortably spit out a rat.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>


adywan said:

I never sharpen the video when encoding. I used a different encoder (the main concept h264 built into After effects) because i haven't re-installed all of my programs/ codecs on my new PC yet. Main concept encoder is crap and has always suffered with softening an image both with its Mpeg encoder and its H264 one.


Which encoder do you normally use?


Info: Fraggle Rock - UK episodes...

Hi folks,

The final series will be available from Monday.  Sadly this is the slimmest of the four, with only these three episodes available:

  • Sprocket's Big Adventure
  • Uncle Matt's Discovery
  • Change of Address


To make up for it, though, approximately 30 minutes of raw studio footage from the episodes A Tune for Two, Beyond the Pond and Junior Faces the Music are included (and to forestall the obvious question, there isn't enough material there to reconstruct the episodes!).

Hopefully this won't be the end - I'm sure there are more recordings out there somewhere!  Should any more turn up I will be happily updating the DVD sets :-)


Info Wanted: Help identifying a bit of behind-the-scenes film

I’ve located a bit of 16mm film - about 3mins all told - which features some behind-the-scenes shots from Dark Crystal, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, intercut with clips from the finished films (plus a bit of The Great Muppet Caper for some reason) and a brief clip of Jim Henson talking.

It’s been suggested that this may be an excerpt from <span>Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi, but not having seen this I can’t confirm.  Does the above sound at all familiar to anyone?  If it’s taken from a documentary then it’s probably of little interest, but if it’s unique then I shall see about getting it put onto video.</span>


Info: Fraggle Rock - UK episodes...

Apologies for the delay in getting Series Three out, but it's all been in a good cause - we have located another episode!

Technically this isn't a discovery - the BFI have a copy of it - but as I can't get hold of their tapes, the appearance of another recording is good news :-)

The episode is Pebble Pox Blues, the eleventh episode of Series Three.  The recording has just reached me today, and I'm starting to prepare it for the DVD.

Further updates will follow once the rejigged discs are complete!