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Harmy's STAR WARS TRILOGY "Partly Despecialized Edition" HD. !!! These version are now obsolete - Look for Despecialized Editions instead!!!

Thanks for the PM!

Ha ha, thanks, Frink for posting that comic, I'm using it for my Avatar now. I came up with the username in a hurry last night, trying to think of something Star Wars-y and "funny". Not too much of a stretch, so I'm not surprised someone else thought of it first. Luckily it wasn't taken, or else I would have been Wookie Monster.

Unfortunately, I'm neither Scott Johnson or Mark Turpin, but glad some of you got a laugh regardless.

Thanks again!


Harmy's STAR WARS TRILOGY "Partly Despecialized Edition" HD. !!! These version are now obsolete - Look for Despecialized Editions instead!!!

Hi. I recently attempted to uprez the original theatricals myself (sourced from the bonus discs on the 2008 NTSC DVD release) using various settings with Infognition's Video Enhancer but the results were disappointing to say the least. Then I thought I'd investigate online and see if anyone had more success putting together HD versions of the originals. I just discovered this thread and am blown away by the time, effort, and care you've put into this project. If you are still sending PMs to the links, I would greatly appreciate one. Thanks!