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Help Wanted: Removing Jar Jar from a scene in TPM

AEmovieguy said:

If you still need a Queen reveal, you could experiment with an extra line before "We will discuss a new treaty."


Something like "I am Queen Amidala, Viceroy. And we will discuss a new treaty."


I tried this out with mixed results.

I like substituting her dialogue because in this edit there isn't any reference to a treaty. The trade federation has invaded naboo. period. Sidious isn't interested in a treaty. He just wants Amidala to declare a vote of no-confidence so that he can become the chancellor.

The problem is that the reveal doesn't happen sooner. We see Padme leading the troops earlier but there isn't any context or reason why she is leading and not the Queen. Its weird but could be overlooked.

Any other suggestions?

I'll post the audio sub soon.





Help Wanted: Removing Jar Jar from a scene in TPM

ray_afraid said:

You callin' me a fascist, ace? Not funny. Not at all. We're on the net so you can hide behind the safety of your monitor and spout out any kind of hate towards anybody you want, but I hardly think my stupid little joke warrants that kind of reaction.

You're telling me I called you a fascist, ray_afraid? Not funny. Not at all. We're on the net so you can hide behind the safety of your monitor and spout out any kind of hate towards anybody you want, but I hardly think my stupid little joke warrants that kind of reaction.

Help Wanted: Removing Jar Jar from a scene in TPM

TV's Frink said:

I don't know, her performance as the Queen is so stilted and different from her Padme performance, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to have Portman in two roles as completely different people.

Is there a way to keep the idea that keira is a decoy but that the Portman queen is not Padme?

I don't think its a good idea to make them into two different characters. If you did that, then the story for Attack of the Clones would not make sense.

I want the edit to be easily integrated into the rest of the prequels. 

Jar Jar, for example, can be removed entirely and not affect the storyline. 

Help Wanted: Removing Jar Jar from a scene in TPM

Awesome. I'll check that out too. 

One more problem I had with the removal of all Jar Jar and Gungan references is the removal of the scene where Padme reveals that she is the Queen, much to Anakin's surprise. 

The reveal doesn't have a huge impact on the story but it might be relevant in some way. 

Is there a way to reveal Padme as the Queen without involving the Gungans? 

Help Wanted: Removing Jar Jar from a scene in TPM

In the edit I am producing (Ep 1), I was going to eliminate any references to there being two Sith, and adding mystery to who the Sith Lord is. 

This mean removing the Darth Maul introduction, darkening any faces underneath the cowls, and altering the voices so it doesn't sound like Palp.

Why? I think it adds more mystery to what the Sith is. The audience (if watching it for the first time), will think that Darth Maul has been the Sith Lord behind everything and then gets killed. But right at the end, Yoda and Mace say that there is always a Lord and Apprentice.. which one was killed? 

This reveal will have a lot more impact than before, and make people wonder who the Sith Lord really is. Then, after the conversation, there will be the pan to Palp's face. Then it should click into place to the audience that Palp had created this Naboo invasion in order to become Chancellor.

Help Wanted: Removing Jar Jar from a scene in TPM

Hey everyone,

First post, and first edit (ep 1). I am undertaking the arduous task of COMPLETELY REMOVING JAR JAR by cutting scenes, and rotoscoping him out of others. This has created a couple story problems. One of them is a bit tricky and I need help as to how I should approach it.

Basically, the problem is that Jar Jar was the reason why Qui Jon and Padme came to Anakin’s place. Jar Jar tried to eat some food of a vendor cart and the food landed in Sebulba’s soup bowl; splashing him in the face. Anakin comes to Jar Jar’s rescue and thats how he meets up with Qui Jon and Padme again.

So the question is how can I remove that stupid scene and still have Qui Jon and Padme come over to Anakin’s house to escape the dust storm?