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The Hobbit (M4 Book Edit) (Released)

sidshady12 said:

Glad you enjoyed! Unfortunately, it would probably be too hard for you to recreate the audio just because of how much editing there is; new music, new sound effects, and a lot of re-arranging has been done. There are Spanish subtitles included, but I understand the audio dub could be more enjoyable.

Yeah, I figured that much. Anyway, I’m willing to give it a spin and see what I can accomplish. My intention is to try to extract only the dialogue without music or effects and try to synchronize that. I don’t know if it’s possible at all, but it’s worth a try.

The Hobbit (M4 Book Edit) (Released)

Thank you, thank you very much! This is an amazing job, and the one who got me to want to watch again the movie(s). You did a very professional editing job indeed. 😃

I have one cuestion. How hard would it be for me (or anyone) to edit the audio tracks of other languages to match your edit? Could you give any indications on where to make the cuts? Or is it too hard for someone not involved in your work to tackle?

I would love to have this edit with the spanish dub. I have no problem whatsoever with english, but I would like to show your cut to my child when he becomes old enough.

Info: Buffy The Vampire Slayer (TV Show) "Remastered" in HD

Hi @CatBus. I recently bought the NTSC version DVDs (region 1), and already own the PAL version. Do you have any advice on how to upconvert them with an acceptable quality?

I already tried with QTGMC to deinterlace the PAL version and NNEDI3 to upscale to 720, and look somewhat fine, but I was wondering if perhaps there’s a better method.

Thanks in advance. 😃

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Ok, subtitles sent. I hope that it was the correct way to send a PM -the interface in this forum is a little weird-.

@TV’s Frink: Sorry, I don’t have a picture. But in any case I couldn’t beat what CatBus posted anyway. 😃

On another topic. I think I could give it a try to make a 5.1 Spanish Mix for this release. Could it be something you want to use?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)


First of all I would like to congratulate Harmy and all the people involved in these Despecialized editions. These are truly remarkable and awesome. Being born on the '74, Star Wars always was part of me, and although I couldn’t see ANH on theaters, ESB and ROTJ yes indeed, and later I was able to see ANH on VHS plenty of times.
On '97 I was pretty excited on the Special Editions, and the changes didn’t bother me very much in front of the perspective of seeing Star Wars on cinema again.
As time passed, I grew more and more upset with this editions, and get to the point that, given Lucas’s opinions on the matter, took for granted that could not see again the Original versions in a decent format, let alone on HD.
For all of that, I want to thank you again for this awesome work.

In second place, I took the liberty to translate the subtitles for the Despecialiced Edition presentation on Youtube, “Introducing the Despecialized Edition and Its Sources”, to spanish, and would like to know if you want them to add to the video.

That’s all. Thanks again, and let the force allow you to continue your amazing job. 😃

P.D.: Apologies for my english, it’s not my mother language.