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RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"

I too have the SE on laserdisc (2 copies actually) - one is already experiencing disc rot and I am desperately trying to preserve the one that still has decent video quality. I wish with all my heart someone at Paramount would see fit to do a remaster of ALL versions of TMP - director’s cut, original theatrical, AND this SE tv version which is my favorite - all in remastered BluRay letterbox (and put it in a special release package - of all the ST TOS movies, why did TMP not get it’s just reward?) Is it even possible to do such a remaster? Naturally the LDs are pan & scan but I would never part with them. I am currently trying to at least record to a hard drive (since 142 minutes won’t go nicely on a readable DVD+RW - haven’t looked into finding something that can handle double layer 8gb DVD …).

Does ANYONE know if there is any hope of getting TMP SE on DVD - letterboxed/bluray or anything? When I found this forum, I thought there was a possibility of getting the amazing everything included fan edit but it seems there’s only 32 pages of comments and no way to get this gem.