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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

bttfbrasilfan said:

Just noticed this one little flaw. @9:12.

 adywan said:

That has to stay as a flipped shot for continuity. Not all mistakes can be fixed

 There are CG models of R2 out there.  Could one of them be match moved over top to correct it without flipping the shot?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Ronster said:

I was talking with somone today who has made a short film and is hoping to release it at frightfest... independanrly funded too... We got on the subject of older films and how new films are planned and formulated and older films were more off the cuff and ambiguous.

Their ambiguity is part of their charm.... So although that was my idea about the shuttle and the troops i fully respect revisited for not taking that onboard but however i hope my energy and enthusiasm rubs off on you and 005 i think you do a great job too....

We all want to make the magic happen and i think this thread has more energy than it has had for a long time

There's a difference between "off the cuff and ambiguous" and "not insulting your audience's intelligence."  Films that try to explain every last detail and account for every moment of every character's existence (along with audiences that demand such things) are the underlying reason why a lot of films suck.  They don't give the audience anything to think about or talk about after it's over besides simply remembering what happened.  As a viewer, if you leave the film as blank-minded as when you went in, then you wasted two hours you could have spent watching a better film.

More dailies/deleted scenes in digital &quot;making of&quot; books...

Ryan McAvoy said:

^ Lucas has wound up all of us fans for so long that everyone has basically drawn battle lines and no release Disney could ever put together would satisfy everybody now.


NO FANS are gonna thank Disney whatever they do, except...

**Drum roll**... The vast majority of the public who couldn't give a sh*t how the films look and will be quite happy with whatever Disney serves up.

I don't expect them to cover every minor variation in sound and picture - there's like a dozen different versions.  Obviously they'd pick the one "ideal" pre-SE version.  My point was that now with Disney in charge, there's at least a chance it will be done RIGHT as opposed to the DVD/BD releases we've gotten so far.

More dailies/deleted scenes in digital &quot;making of&quot; books...

I never bought the whole "too expensive to restore" story.  Wasn't there some film restorer company that offered to do it for free and Lucas still said no?

The stories about the original version of the film no longer existing are bullshit.  Lucas saves EVERYTHING - how do you think all these "missing" deleted scenes and bonus material keep surfacing with every re-release and repackaging?  If that stuff still exists, why wouldn't the films themselves be in protected storage somewhere?

Also, look at the clips of SW in the "Empire of Dreams" documentary that came with the original '04 DVD release.  In the section where they're talking about the release of the film, the crawl doesn't have "Episode IV A New Hope" on it, Han shoots first (and only!) and the Death Star explosion doesn't have the shockwave on it.  And it all looks DAMN good video quality!  If "the original version of the film no longer exists" then where did they get this footage from?

Lucas has been milking the SE and PT for all he could for as long as he could.  Now that Disney is in charge, I don't doubt that we'll see a proper OT release at some point.  The question is when.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

jimjimmyjones85 said:

videoguy71 said:

1971 here. Saw all three films in their original forms in theaters during their original runs... ahhh to be 6, 9, and 12 again!!

Same for me... Nice to be in good company !

Gotcha's both beat - 1966.  My first SW viewing was at a drive-in theater!

Anyone able to beat that?




I know, I'm late to this sidebar.  Sorry.


muddyknees2000 said:

I tire of the constant EU fueled suppositions as much as the next guy....but to be fair Vader DOES actually specifically walk up to the 2 pilots in question and order them to follow him.....he doesn't just grab 2 guys walking by.

Yes, they were walking by probably on their way to their fighters to join the battle overall.  Vader happened to cross their paths and commandeered them as his wingmen.


Jim Starluck said:

During the climax of the Battle of Yavin, when the Millenium Falcon comes roaring towards the camera from out of the sun, have it be blazing away with both gun turrets the whole time. This way, Vader's wingman can be trying to dodge the laser fire that just killed his buddy, instead of crashing into Vader in a blind panic.

It makes Han's return a lot more dramatic (right now it seems like he just fires a single well-aimed shot and dumb luck takes care of the rest) and eliminates a logical inconsistency, since Vader's wingmen would most likely be elite pilots and not prone to such stupid mistakes.

I never got the sense that his wingmen were HIS wingmen.  In the DS scenes just prior, Vader turns to two pilots walking by and says "Several fighters have broken off from the main group.  Come with me."  He just recruited the first two pilots that were handy at the moment.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

muddyknees2000 said:

ray_afraid said:

Is your "yup" confirming that this will happen, or just an agreement?

Just an agreement. But I wouldn't be surprised if Ady does something very close to that. It would be a great revisited tradition. Ady loves a good joke, so people saying that he doesn't have time for something like that don't know him very well.

He could have it done already for all we know.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Burdokva said:

Maybe I got something wrong but didn't Ady also announce an 1080p version once he switched from HDTV sources to the BluRay ?

Of course, if he keeps the source effects files, it wouldn't be too difficult to render them again for a 1080p Revisited? Right? Right ?! (Sorry, overly exited).

He started trying to do ESB:R in 1080 but a lack of processing power at the time and lack of high enough quality source material to use as patches/replacements for FX work forced him to scale back to 720.  It's possible he could upsample back to 1080 but again it would depend on the quality of the source material.


As for my thoughts on PT:R, I think whatever Ady comes up with will ultimately be better than what we have.  I've always felt that part of the reason the OT works is because Lucas was free to make up the story as he went along.  With the PT, he had all these OT "history" points he had to fit in and it came out like he just had them all written down in a list and checked them off as he went along without really taking the time to figure out if and why "this" should happen before "that", how "A" affects "B", and so on.  It's like he was running on autopilot just to get the films done after all these years so that people would stop asking him about them.

I haven't watched a lot of the Prequel edits but I can see where re-arranging events story-wise could have a positive effect on continuity, not just within the PT films but in carrying over that continuity to the OT.


Regarding making the entire Revisited project sync up with E7 and any future official SW, I'd say don't worry about it.  This started out as a way to fix the SEs into what they should have been.  Leave it at that and let others worry about how the new films work out.  We don't know anything about E7 yet aside from the fact that it's coming.  By the time Ady gets to real work on ROTJ:R, E7 news will start coming out and maybe changes won't be necessary.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

lastjedi said:

when luke is upside down in the cave and reaching for the lightsaber you hear music that goes thun thun.and then the lightsaber moves twice.but the music doesn't sync up when the lightsaber moves and i think it should.anybody else agree?

Every time Ady posts a clip he states that the sound mix isn't final and won't be started until the video is completely finished.

First things first.  The audio/music sync will be dealt with later.


I'm definitely going to have to take a longer look at this when I have time.

One minor suggestion - You talk about the SW shot evolving from the THX shot but you show it in a disjointed way with the SW shot broken up by the THX shot in the middle of it.  I think it would work better if you start the clip by fading in on the THX shot and then dissolving to the uninterrupted SW shot rather than the way you have it now.



Sean's guide for internet dating

My personal flags for weeding out dating site bimbos is two that don't seem related but are...

"I enjoy the simple pleasures in life", and then further down her profile, in the checklist for her potential match "Income: $150,000+".

Just how "simple" are these pleasures that you require your potential suitor to have a six figure income in order for you to experience them???

HD-DVDs and DVDs Superior to Blu-Ray

Not that I disagree with all of them, but "revisionist color timing" isn't always a mistake. (yes, in the case of Star Wars we know it is - that aside)  Sometimes it's restoring the correct color timing from a bad previous release.

Are you basing all these on personal preference and your own comparisons or are you accounting for professional reviews from video and home theater sites?