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Info Wanted: on various fan edits - goonies, jason goes to hell, halloween 5 etc
Originally posted by: bigrob[

Personally, i would cut out the whole Big Brother aspect of H8 and instead using the opening 10-15 mins of the film and edit it into H20. The film would come full circle at the end.

I thought about this too. I think a project like this would definitely benefit from flashbacks from previous movies being inserted (just as the 'flashback' of how The Shape crushed the paramedic's throat was done). Whether you are inserting H8 into H20 or vice versa, it would help to beef up the running time as the theatrical cut of H8 is only about an hour and twenty minutes (minus credits).

Info Wanted: on various fan edits - goonies, jason goes to hell, halloween 5 etc
I started a thread on this elsewhere, but for the record, I would LOVE to see a fan-edit of the 8th Halloween movie: Halloween: Resurrection. I am a long time, die-hard fan of the Halloween movies, and Resurrection was such a disappointment. However, I think enough material is there that it could be somewhat salvaged. (Spoilers) I think if you re-cut the film to have Laurie's death occur at the end of the film, it would be much more dramatic. I would edit it so that the opening stays the same up until the camera goes through the window of Laurie's room and holds on her, then dissolve to the shot outside the college. I would then intersperse shots/scenes of Laurie througout the movie (as if she knows Michael is coming once he's kills all the teens in his house and she's getting ready for him), saving their dramatic meeting for the final act, giving her character a proper send-off.
Question : Since all the Star Wars torrents I've downloaded are in the .avi format, how do I go about converting them into a format that will play on my dvd player (or is this even possible)? I am using a PC. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would much prefer watching these fan-edits on my flat-screen than on my puny computer monitor!
MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
Originally posted by: southp
I got them from Rikter on this board about 2 years ago. They are not the "ultimate edition" or whatever people are calling them so maybe that's why they stopped making copies?

MagnoliaFan is it ok to spread the old versions? Post here if that's cool and I'll make a few copies for people who have been waiting.?

Cool - thanks southp... I definitely don't want to step on anyones toes in trying to track these down. I've just been looking for a long time, and with it being summertime (which always seems to get me in the mood for Star Wars for some reason) I would really like something new to watch other than the official DVD releases. I e-mailed Rikter yesterday about this but haven't heard back. Hope he's okay!

MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
Originally posted by: southp
I just checked in here to see if the Fall of the Republic edit is coming along.
Since I received the Balance of the Force and Clone War DVDs I haven't watched the original versions of EP 1 and 2. To me, Magnoliafan's versions are THE REAL DEAL.!

How the heck does one go about getting these DVD's? I'm trying to track down 'Balance of the Force' and 'Clone Wars' (as well as a DVD of the Holiday Special) but I can't seem to get an answer out of anyone. I do own all the official DVD releases and would gladly pay for the disks and postage, but finding someone to burn these for me is like pulling teeth!

I miss Max Rebo
No doubt about it - the new version of 'Lapti Nek' or whatever it was called was a horrible, horrible alteration. The original tune by Max Rebo was much better. The addition of Joh Yowza to the SE was a disgraceful attempt at comic relief in a time of the movie when they should have been building tension. Just another lame attempt at uneccesary exposition by Lucas. If it doesn't serve the story, don't keep it in the movie!
I think I figured it out...
Originally posted by: musicman
Shooting in film like he did in TPM would've helped. And using more physical matter would've helped even more.

I feel that way about Episode II more than any of them. It just seems so fake and sterile. ROTS doesn't strike me as that bad for some reason, but I agree - I wish Lucas would just stick to traditional celluloid like his buddy Speilberg.
Ideas: for a 'HALLOWEEN - RESURRECTED' edit...
Originally posted by: Moth3r
The Technical Discussions forum is for requesting help with technical issues, so I've moved your post into this forum instead. For future reference, these types of request are usually posted in the Fan Edit Request Thread. You could also post your ideas at fanedits.com as a concept and maybe someone will take it up as a project.
I also hope these kind of requests are okay, since we're at a Star Wars site. I don't want to step on anyone's toes, being a newbie and all.
We're no longer just a Star Wars site. I think you'll find quite a few Halloween fans here.

Okay - thanks! Hope to find a fellow Halloween fan who wants to give this one a whirl!

Ideas: for a 'HALLOWEEN - RESURRECTED' edit...

The name of this forum is “General Preservation & Fan Edits - Requests…” and I don’t know exactly how this works, since I’m relatively new here, but here goes. I hope this is in the right forum. If not, your mods are welcome to move this where it belongs. I also hope these kind of requests are okay, since we’re at a Star Wars site. I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, being a newbie and all.

I have a request. I am a huge fan of the Halloween franchise of movies, and would love to see someone put together a fan edit of the 8th movie in this series: ‘Halloween: Resurrection.’ I would gladly do this myself if I knew how, or had the software to do so. Alas, I do not… hence the request. Perhaps someone knows of someone somewhere that has already done this?

Basically, what I’d like to see is (spoiler alert) Laurie Strode’s death should come at the end of the film to make it more dramatic so the viewer feels they have invested something in watching this movie unfold, with various shots of her and the asylum cutting back and forth between the kids in the Myers house. The other major change would be to have Busta "I Can’t Act To Save My Life’ Rhymes jar-jar-ized (ie: cut out as much as possible), as well as all the bad acting, dialogue, etc. of the other annoying actors.

I know that’s a lot to ask - it would pretty much give it a 60 minute (or less) runtime - but if it can be done to Episodes I & !!, it can be done to this movie! Any Halloween fans willing to give it a go? I would be glad to help out, even if my technical knowledge is limited, with suggestions on plot, editing, etc.

Your first words of reaction after watching one of the PT movies for the first time.
After standing in line for almost 24 hours, I was extremely, EXTREMELY disappointed by the outcome. Standing in line with a bunch of other Star Wars geeks and talking about the movie we were about to see and talking about old Star Wars memories and feeling the rush of adrenaline as showtime approached was actually better than the movie itself.

When I got home at about three in the morning, my wife groggily asked me: 'how was it?' to which I replied: 'eh... okay. I didn't really like it. Good night.'

Still ended up seeing it about 17 times in the theater though. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
Share your Star Wars theater experience
Howdy all - long time lurker, first time poster. This seemed as good a thread as any to start. I remember very well seeing Star Wars for the first time (even though I was only five years old at the time!) at the Varsity Theatre in Des Moines, IA right around the 4th of July, and once again a few months later, also in Des Moines. Oddly enough, I don't really remember too much about going to see 'Empire' in the theater, other than I recall going with my mom, but I distinctly remember seeing 'Jedi' back in '83 at the Cinema 4 in Fort Dodge, IA (now the Cinema 8) and being absolutely blown away.

However, don't get me started on the prequels. I stood in line for darn near 24 hours (sometimes in the rain) for Episode I to catch the midnight show on opening night. What a disappointment! I learned my lesson, though, and only stood in line for about 8 hours for Episode II, and roughly 3 hours for Episode III.