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ATTENTION: Dayv needs our help

Evidence or not, I gave because I wanted to help someone in need..

Personally, I don't care if he has evidence to show anything.. I don't need someone who has cancer to have to prove to a bunch of strangers that he has problems to deal with..


I don't believe he asked people for money, so you shouldn't feel like you were scammed. People gave because they felt like giving.. I think it's just hard for some to accept that there may be people out there that take advantage of others..


In either case, I'm not spending anymore time reading about drama.. About who lied and who didn't.. Dayv, good luck and hope things work out for you, whatever the problem may be..


For everyone else, you got your refunds (i assume, because I got mine back).. Leave it at that.. Let's just drop this entire thread, and move on.. I don't see the point in making someone prove wether or not they have a serious condition.. We can just delete this thread and move on.. And in the future, just give for the sake of giving.. Doesn't matter what or how it was used.. If you ever feel like it was taken advantage of, then don't give to the same person again, that's all.. Move on and enjoy another day of living..



ATTENTION: Dayv needs our help

Let me just confirm the paypal: thebrothers@themanglerbros.com

Is this correct?


Hey Dayv.. Never spoke with you personally, pretty much just lurked around for a while. Haven't bee on here in a year or so.. Got an email from Jay so I checked started reading your thread..

Don't really know what to say, I wish you the best and hope things work out for you.. Sending you a small donation, hoping that every little bit helps out.

I'm not the praying type, but I'll definitely send one out for you.. Good luck and be strong my brother..



Wookie Groomer's 1080p Star Wars Saga project (Released)
Hey Wookie!!
I just joined the forum not too long ago.. Been trying to catchup and figure out what's what in the scene.. First thing I stumbled across was Adywan's Revisited.. Which was really really awesome.. That instantly became my favorite version of ANH.. Then ran across your original trilogy (reposted rerelease) up on the newsgroups.. Just wanted to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for taking time out, and taking on that project. I've been waiting for a HD version to come out and was very disappointed when I heard that georgy didn't make plans to release in HD.

I'm no video expert, but you don't need to be one to appreciate the quality in these releases. I read in the previous post that you may or may not repost the prequels in 1080? PLEASE DO.. I've only got the original 3, and the original 3 splits.. Ive watched ANH split about a year or 2 ago and it was cool, but I've still yet to fire up the v2 and check out the HD goodness..

Just wanted to stop by with my first post and say thanks for the release, (Adywan too!!).. And I'll be waiting for those prequels to pop up soon!!
