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General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

I haven’t read this whole thread so I might be repeating stuff.

It bugs me that whenever they show Luke inside his x-wing in ESB and ROTJ, they use the sound effect of the targeting computer from Star Wars as if its just a regular sound that you hear at all times in the interior of the X-Wing. And what happens when the sound effect reaches its high frequency of beeps as it did when the bombers got to the end of the bombing run when the sound effect should end? It just loops. ugh.

Also, I hate that you can hear Greedo’s part of the conversation with Han from Star Wars in the background of Jabba’s palace.

And why is it that whenever I read about someone complaining about the scream added to Luke’s falling for one version of the special edition ESB (a sensible complaint, of course), no one ever seems to notice or mention that it’s the exact scream used for the emperor falling in ROTJ? That was unbelievably ridiculous.

I think its interesting that both SW and ESB use the same collection of R2-D2 sounds, but ROTJ has a completely different style for R2’s sounds. I didn’t notice that for a long time.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Lust-In-Phaze said:

How do extra frames happen? Why would there be that disparity if they come from the same source originally?

Well, I really don’t know, so I am sure other people know better than I, but I had a couple ideas. The frames missing from the 35mm at the reel changes could be a result of the ends of the reel breaking from lots of handling. The other missing frames could be from times when the film broke during playing, ruining a frame or three, and then being spliced back together. Why reel 3 had so many more missing frames compared to the others could be because it was a more used reel from a different set, I suppose. Another idea I had was that there was more than one original source. Just as the audio master kept changing, so did the film edit master. That’s all I could come up with with my NO knowledge of such things. 😃

As for the footage differences with Harmy’s, I guess that’s from Harmy doing his best, brilliant trickery to recreate the original from remastered sources that used slightly different footage. Again, I can only guess.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Interesting stuff I discovered synching the Team Negative1 Silver Screen Edition (SSE) to Harmy’s Despecialized Edition version 2.5. The goal of this was to teach myself video editing, and to have a 1920x1080 SSE that matches Harmy’s English DTS 5.1 audio, which I hear matches GOUT. I don’t have a copy of GOUT to use.

All frame numbers refer to Harmy’s version.

  1. Harmy’s has 105 more frames by the final shot transition before the end credits swipe (f:168,675). By the time I synch the final shot, I will have had to add 105 blank frames to the SSE.
  2. Harmy’s “Look, sir. Droids.” shot (f:21,789) is ahead one frame. Swipes don’t match. (Maybe Harmy’s doing in removing SE crap. Maybe difference between Harmy’s source and SSE.)
  3. Harmy’s following sandcrawler shot (f:22,121) is behind a frame or few. The following shot is back to perfect synch (f:22,290).
  4. Interestingly, the change to reel 2 just before “thank the maker” syncs perfectly (~f:27,826).
  5. Harmy’s has 12 extra frames at the end of the shot in which Ben kneels to touch Luke’s wrist as Luke lies unconscious (f:42,504). Funny thing is that in those frames, Luke’s fingers move slightly even though he seems to be out cold. Ben’s hand remains a bit longer on Luke’s wrist and starts to lift off which is about 2 frames inconsistent with the start of the next shot (f:42,605).
  6. Harmy’s has 4 extra frames at the end of the “the droid does belong to you” shot (f:45,050).
  7. Harmy’s has 3 extra frames at the end of the “one swift stroke” shot and 1 at the beginning of the next (f:55,749). This is the transition from reel 2 to reel 3.
  8. Harmy’s has 1 extra frame at end of first shot of reel 3 (f:55,749).
  9. Harmy’s has 1 extra frame as Ben says “it’s too dangerous” (f:56,927).
  10. Harmy’s shot of Luke racing home in his landspeeder (f:57,164) is 5 frames ahead of the SSE, which means that the final frames are not in the SSE. Interestingly, the coloring of these final frames suddenly becomes sharper.
  11. Harmy’s has 4 extra frames in the shot of the 3 tie fighters flying toward the death star after Luke sees his dead relatives (f:58,362). This footage is 5 frames ahead of the SSE and the death star definitely seems to be further away from the camera ending up being much smaller and higher in the frame. The result is that the ties don’t seem to get as close to it has they do in the SSE. Perhaps this is a special edition recomposite.
  12. Harmy’s has 1 extra frame at the end of the shot of the group on the cliff overlooking Mos Eisley (f:60,650).
  13. Harmy’s has 1 extra frame at the beginning of the shot in which Luke walks up to the cantina bar (f:64,771).
  14. Harmy’s has 2 extra frames at the end of the shot in which Han and Chewie get up from the table to leave the cantina (f:70,505).
  15. Harmy’s has 1 extra frame at the end of the shot in which Tarkin looks at Alderaan with his back to the camera and waves off another officer (f:78,664).
  16. Harmy’s has 4 extra frames at the end of the shot in which Chewie smoothes his hair back at the chess table (f:83,448).
  17. Reel 3 was by far the most screwy reel. I had to make 8 splits in this section.
  18. Change to reel 4 (f:86,677). Harmy’s has 39 extra frames at the beginning of the first shot of reel 4 when the officer enters Tarkin’s chamber and 19 extra frames at the end of the previous shot in which Luke enters a “larger world”.
  19. Change to reel 5 (f:113,652). Harmy’s has 2 extra frames at the end of the shot in which a soaked Luke says the monster just “disappeared” and 4 extra frames at the beginning of the following shot of Leia.
  20. Change to the final reel – reel 6 (f:144,054). Harmy’s has 3 extra frames at the end of the shot in which the green R2 unit is lowered into the x-wing and 3 extra frames at the beginning of the following shot of the “all pilots to your stations” x-wing.
  21. Reels 1, 4, 5 and 6 needed no edits other than the beginnings and endings of the reels. I removed the Team Negative1 opening simply to sync the beginning. All due respect and love to them and Harmy, of course!
team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

That’s a tongue-in-cheek usage of wrong. A few shots differ between Harmy’s and the SSE in interesting ways (not obviously SE changes), and since the SSE is the theatrical version goal, any differences in Harmy’s are wrong in that context. Of course, there is nothing wrong with Harmy’s except perhaps where there is still special edition stuff in it since his goal is the eradication of such stuff. (Also, some of the coloring in Harmy’s disappointed me, but that’s the fault of his sources so I hear.)

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

team_negative1 said:

There is no different footage in our version, of course,
since it is all from the original film.

The footage from Harmys still might have some remaining footage that is changed.

Team Negative1

Right! I should have said that there are extra, bonus frames in Harmy’s that did not exist in the theatrical release, and that Harmy’s uses the wrong footage of some shots! 😃

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

I am messing around with the Team Negative1 35mm Silver Screen edition trying to synch it to Harmy’s. Is Harmy’s GOUT synched? I read that it might be. Just wanted to be sure.

It’s interesting to see all the frames missing from SS compared to Harmy’s. Also interesting is that certain shots use slightly different footage in comparison. Fun stuff! 😃