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Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

Been lurking in this thread for a while, and wanted to bring up an idea. Now I forget who exactly suggested this initially, but someone tossed around the idea of Qui-Gon guiding Anakin via the force.
It’s been some time since I looked at this thread in detail, so not I’m exactly sure how far that idea went. But there was an aspect of that change that stuck out to me, particularly the idea of him meditating during his call-out versus when he’s dying. If you could take a moment to read through this I think this change specific change could add a lot more weight the story.
On the outside it may seem like such a minor change. However, something like this can explain what happens right after. What if this force telepathy of sorts drains him of his stamina significantly? And it’s this act that causes mold in the upper hand and finish him off. Now it may seem foolish for quae gone to potentially risk his life to help Anakin. But remember Jinn truly believes Anakin is the chosen one, the hope of the galaxy. It would be completely in his character to lay his life down not only because he’s compassionate for Anakin, but so the galaxy may prosper. And as we see early in the movie, he’s no stranger to making huge gambits. Something like this that only parallels ANH with Obi’s sacrifice but also Luke in TLJ with the force weakening him. As George Lucas would say it would be “poetry”.
But we can also take it even further with the implications and set ups this has for the future. Obi-Wan’s harsh treatment of Aniken in AOTC could be stem from repressed resentment that he has towards Anakin for being an indirect catalyst in his Master’s death. But he would never want to admit it, considering he truly does love Anakin as a brother. You could even say that Obi seeing Qui-Gon’s defiance within Anakin is the first trait that causes him to feel a familiarity with boy and leads to their initial bond. As such, another reason he’s so strict with him is because he doesn’t want Ani doing anything reckless that would cause him to sacrifice himself, the way his master once did.
Seems minor on the surface initially, but it brings huge narrative pay off in terms of the overall story. Would probably help if some highlighted how much this is sacrifice for Qui-Gon with facial close-ups of him straining himself. Maybe with some sweat, and the reddening of his face. Not sure how possible this is in terms the visual edits. Another option would be to have Qui Gon’s voice fade in and out while also sounding rushed with Anakin picking up on it. Some edited voice clips from when the two of them are running away from Maul back on Tatooine could facilitate this idea. Something along the lines of “Qui-Gon slow down” Or “Qui-Gon you sound tired”.
If Anakin was made aware of Qui-Gon’s sacrifice, it’s only natural that you’d want to aspire to be more like him by being a risk taker in the future.
In any case, these are the kind of things that insomnia can do to a guy. I’m no editor myself, so this is an exactly something I’d be able to do. I just really wanted to get this idea out there for feedback and consideration.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

Yeah but the poisoning storyline suuuuucks. It’s extremely dull, and gives us no value for our main characters. If the line about Maul killing children is a direct reference to that, I’ll trim around it.

It’s tough since the line is directed towards Almec. But if there’s a way to make it so it’s thrown at Maul then it might work. Though I’m not sure how Satine could know that sort of detail.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

I honestly think it may be best to just re introduce the whole food poisoning angle that was in the original episode, because it felt like something was missing in the episode without some form of it.

I second this. I just watched the episode of your edit involving Maul’s takeover of Mandalore and there’s a part where Maul recruits Almec for his coup. Satine tries to pushback by mentioning he killed children, which without the poisoning scene comes out of left field.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

Let’s call it a “passive oversight”, in that yes, I didn’t think of it, but also, the first 2/3 of the Clone Wars were a transitional period where both types of armour appeared side by side as the earlier was being phased out.

…Unless it’s named characters actually reverting their armour update on-screen, in which case, yeah, regular oversight.

Yeah, there’s a bit of snag in the Rako Hardeen ep. where you see Rex and some other 501st troops in their Phase II armor in Plap’s office. I suppose you could just shift the order on the list so Citadel places before that arc.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

Since you’ve added The Citadel into the mix, I feel like this needs mentioning. In the Citadel and in the Trandoshan Hunt the clones are wearing Phase I armor. However due to the restructuring the clones wear Phase II armor in the proceeding episodes. Is this an oversight or is it something sacrificed for the sake of a stronger narrative?

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

Just started diving into your edit, and I’m really excited to get into the more meatier episodes at a faster pace. The next one I’m about to start with my Dad(his first time watching)is the episode introducing the Nightsisters. looking through your changelog I noticed you cut the scene where Obi_wan and Anakin see the Nighbrother village for the first time. I agree it doesn’t add much the current ep and seems to just exist for padding, hwoever this scene is important far later in the story during Maul’s takeover of Mandalore. When Satine is being choked during Obi-wan’s capture, he attempts to genuinely try to appeal to Maul’s humanity regarding his upbringing and the life that was chosen for him. Specifically he mentions how he saw his village and the caste system he grew up in, and argues how the choice to embark on path to Darkside was forced upon him by Talzin at a young age. I feel like Obi-wan wouldn’t have made this connection without that prior knowledge from the cut scene.

For convenience’s sake, here’s the scene I’m talking about https://youtu.be/SOBEC2fZvck (starts at the 50 second mark)