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Harry Potter Extended Editions (Released)

Hi there! I think that I have found a better source for a deleted scene of the third movie. It’s the scene of the bird that flies through the wooden bridge and bothers Hagrid. I don’t understand why but I think that this scene was previously an extended scene and now is part of the movie, and I seem to have a version from the blu-ray that shows this scene in better quality… Am I mad or there is something that I’m missing here? I don’t remember seeing this on the original release of the movie, I think that it was part of the extras from the DVD. I can’t be sure. The scene is now color corrected to be more blueish as the rest of the film, more grim. Please let me know if I am the only one.

Harry Potter Extended Editions (Released)

Oh man, that guy really is a dumbass. I was just gettin the first movies and I already did love what you have done. Including your marvel kinda intro, it gave the fanedits the vibe of someone who really liked the movies and enjoyed editing them. I’m so sad right now because I’m not going to be able to watch all of them, neither my sisters. We appreciate what you have done and we respect your decision. But hey this jerk is not more that another Internet troll, don’t let him “win” by letting you down or make you feel bad. We, the fan community and the Harry Potter lovers care about nice people like you that putted your work and effort into making something amazing for those of us who already had the movies but wanted “something more”. And one day you came and gave us the definitive versions of these movies. You are amazing and thank you for what you have done. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to send me a private message. I will try to keep what I said via private message and try to give you a feedback on what I’m going to be able to watch of the only two movies that I was able to get from the message you sent me. Thank you once again! And keep on rockin pal.