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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Everyone keeps talking about how great the acting is in the OT and sometimes I really try to believe thatstatement. Now, I re-watched this "Lando system" scene and IT'S TERRIBLE!!! The actors sound so flat! Like Tarkin when he says "You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion". Compare THAT to the perfectly delivered lines by Ewan McGregor in the PT, such as "Unfortunately, the war" or "Our missing planet, Kamino".

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread
Darth Richard said:

vaderios said:
Darth Richard said:

I love all the Sky lines you are re-doing. They match the original concept art done for ROTJ.


ROTJ? I mean do you have a pic?

do you mean TPM?




coruscant was originally gonna be in ROTJ and Ralp did loads of art for it.



Coruscant was then named "Had Abbadon". It only featured in the rough draft and the revised rough draft (http://www.starwarz.com/starkiller/scripts/revenge_revised_rough_draft.htm), before being dropped.

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist
vaderios said:

I tried to make some color correction to the endor.

Not every pic is good or perfect. Just a sample


Notice i fix some matte lines from AT-ST but I forgot to post the comparison pic :P I save over it :P




This is what should be done to these scenes - I always thought that the OT looks too "Earthly" (a bit like a fanfilm) and not alien at all.

Star Wars: One Death Star to Rule Them All (6 become 1) (* unfinished project *)

I thought about this idea independently of you (and I was disappointed when I found out that someone else has thought this before), but somewhat in a different way (I hate the OT and love the PT): as a worthy sequel of ROTS, combining together the best moments of the OT (with a single Death Star) to form a coherent story (without the PT flashbacks that you envisioned). A possible title would have been 'Episode IV: Threat of the Death Star'.

The Fellowship of the Ring - The Book-Cut - v2 - 2007 (Released)
So, my review of the Beta version of Disc 1 goes as follows:

At the beginning of the movie, for example during the transitions between Frodo&Gandalf and Bilbo writing, the first shots that are after the transitions are in a different colour than the ones that follow them.
Also, during the movie, there are some shots with no video (the screen is black), but the audio is synchronized and goes properly during the black shots.

Now about the edit itself:

The backstory is not very well presented to the newcomer audience: for example, during the first shot of Mordor (Gollum tortured/Nazgul coming out of Minas Morgul), the audience doesn't know what this is all about (the only clue that there is somehing about the Ring is the Eye of Sauron seen by Gandalf when he tries to take it). In the original EE, we know about the Ring and Gollum.

In addition, the changes to the presentation of the backstory are not really more faithful to the book. Everybody knew about the battle of the Last Alliance; it wasn't included in the Scroll of Isildur. Also, the newcomer audience wouldn't know what that is about.

My suggestion: restore more scenes from the prologue with the Gandalf narration from BFME and add them before the "This is the One Ring" line told by Gandalf to Frodo. Also, in the original movie there are two scenes of Gollum being tortured: one before the Scroll of Isildur scene and one in a flashback later (Gandalf telling about it to Frodo). You should merge them and add the resultant scene where the second one is in the original.

What is very faithful to the book is the removal of the Saruman scenes, which is done very masterfully.

In the FOTR Book-Cut Version 1 thread, you said that you put "17 Years Later" when the Nazgul first comes to the Shire. This isn't present in the current version.

Why did you use another title card? I didn't understand that.

Also, I didn't understand the sounds that are heard during the final shot ("The Journey Continues on Disk 2"). I think that it is the Sea.

Anyway, this is my review. I hope it will be useful.