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Sci-fi Channel's Star Trek Special edition (a WIP)

pittrek said:

Because of huge changes in personal life a few years ago I was forced to basically abandon my online activities and all other fan activities, but I’m slowly getting back.I noticed a few people here claiming they have video taped these episodes, is anybody willing to put them somewhere?

Hi all… really late to the party. I recorded all of the SciFi Special Edition episodes with greater or lesser success on VHS. I may have missed bit here and there but I gave it my best effort at the time. I will GIVE anyone here those tapes in exchange for any digital yield they end up getting from them.I just don’t have the time or equipment to digitize them myself but I would love it some this material can be saved. I have not checked the tapes recently but I will before sending them out just to make sure they are still viable. Let me know if this is still a thing you are interested in.