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Wookie Ookie

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RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"

Hmmmm ... well I was just able to watch the original iteration of FanFiltration's ST-TMP:SLV (how's that for a lotta letters) last night for the first time, and I see all the stuff I noticed (and more) has been reported. So I guess I'll just say that as it was, it was really cool, the picture and sound looked and sounded great on the 42" TV in my bedroom, I really enjoyed the audio interviews and the publicity photos. So, as a version 1.0, it was excellent and i can't wait for ST-TMP:SLV 2.0!

Also, this advance poster for the movie from late '78/early '79 would make a great sleeve if anyone can find it at an appropriate resolution.

STTMP advance poster


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
C3PX said:

This is a reboot, that essentially lacks the balls to take itself as a reboot.

That's the core of the problem I have with this thing. From the beginning, I had no problem with them doing a re-whatever-they-wanted-to-call-it, because it makes the most sense. But the production spent months communicating with fan sites and message boards, saying "oh no, it honors and respects the continuity of what has come before, you will see Kirk and Spock's first mission together, its Casino Royale with James T. Kirk", raising a lot of hopes and expectations, when they knew all along they weren't being straight. All that Clintonian "it all depends on what the meaning of 'is' is" bullshit, saying its one thing in the face of every indication that it isn't ... it just shows contempt for the audience, i.e. me, and that's not working for me. Its left a sour taste in my mouth and has really soured me on the film. Abrams obviously is not a fan of the original series. He likes the movies, he likes in particular Star Trek - The Motion Picture because his daddy got him on the set when he was a kid, and he likes Star Wars. And he's got his dorky screenwriters to go online and sweet talk some Trek-related websites into essentially doing their P.R. work for them. And I'm just not into it. Abrams is saying "oh its not for the Trekkies, its for the Trekkies of tomorrow" - okay, fine. I'm taking him at his word that he's not making a movie for me and I'm staying home. I'll look at the DVD six months down the road, but I'm not spending my money on a flick the director has expressly excluded me from, I'm not buying the merchandise, blah blah blah. He can reboot Star Trek: The Corporate Franchise for the 21st Century without me. Truth be told, Star Trek, Inc. and I probably parted ways about 12 years ago anyway.


RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"
Jeyl said:
Wookie Ookie said:
Jeyl said:

We demand hourly updates FanFiltration. V'Ger needs the information!



I wish pre-watch countdown were going to commence in 40 minutes.

That BluRay edition of The Motion Picture is less than two months away from Earth. We need to intercept while it still is out there.


It was the Blu-ray imbalance that caused the delay-hole in the first place. It'll happen again if we don't correct it.


Info: Cheapo Marvel Superhero Movies
Moth3r said:The 1977 TV movie pilot for The Incredible Hulk is so much better than that 2003 fiasco.


 Well said. The series itself is, IMO, various degrees of '70s cheese, but the pilot is fantastic. It plays like a horror movie.

And don't forget the two Captain America TV movies from, I think, '78 and '79, where Cap has a clear plastic shield that acts as the windscreen of the motorcycle he drives around and where Cap is played by amazingly lifelike automoton Reb Brown. I think the great Christopher Lee slums in one of them.

Also don't forget the Dr. Strange TV-movie pilot of the same era, which I actually rather like.

RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"

FanFiltration said:

The Movie Memories audio was planed from the project's start, and was listed in the extras section in the original post. That's the only reason why I did not acknowledge you. But I am not too sure that it works very well as a commentary track.  As an audio book, Shatner does a lot of reading in the 3rd person, and his delivery is very wooden.  It needs major editing, and I need to find the time to work on it more.  I have had the 2 audio books on my PC for close to a year in cut up bits.   



 It just dawned on me tonight as I was looking through some of my assorted Trek claptrap, that Nimoy, Takei, Nichols, and Koenig all have autobiographies with audio versions. I haven't listened to them in quite a while, but I am pretty sure at least Nimoy and Koenig had some decent discussion of their STTMP experiences. Have you had an opporunity to listen to any of those, Mr. FanFiltration? The versions I have are on audio cassette (which I suspect is the only way they were released back in the late '90s).

Nothing Past 1997 - A Fans Stand

I thought KOTCS was pretty entertaining and brainless and didn't have the severe allergic reaction that a lot of people had to it, but as far as the meat of the original post is concerned, I pretty much agree and did the same thing a few years back with both my Star Wars and Star Trek hobbying. In my world, Star Wars is only the original trilogy and Star Trek is only the original series and the first six movies. The rest, I leave for the birds. My friends refer to it as when I "became a fundamentalist geek".

Info: About this whole Indy 4 debate.

The extra-dimensional-alien-fying-saucer aspect of the movie irritated some of my friends because "Indiana Jones is about the supernatural and relics, not aliens and UFOs" but I watched so much "In Search Of ..." when I was a kid, with the ancient astronauts and Erich Von Daniken and Chariots of the Gods and all that, that I didn't bat an eye at that part of it. The movie was far from perfect but I enjoyed it and had a good time, and I liked it more than Temple of Doom.

Having said that, I'm looking forward to seeing a fan edit of it just the same. ïViva variety!

Idea: Preserving STAR TREK - a preservation project?

Did this potential project ever get any legs under it? I would love to see as much unreleased and/or rare material relating to the original Star Trek as possible get preserved, because (a) its an important show in the history of the medium, (b) the further in time we get, the more likely some of that stuff is to just disappear, and (c) I love the show.  I'm kind of surprised by how much Paramount and CBS Television aren't doing to properly document such a landmark piece of entertainment. And as this thread has illustrated, there's a wealth of material out there worth preserving, from bloopers and EPKs and specials and interviews to the Sci-Fi Channel segments and trailers and TV spots and that didn't make it onto the released DVDs. I have a fair amount of material on various and sundry formats, but sadly I'm far too inept, untalented, and ill-equipped to do the work myself. Maybe I just don't know where to look for it, but I'm kind of surprised that - given how legendarily devoted Star Trek fans are - there isn't more of that kind of stuff out there, especially given that everything Star Wars-related seems to have been wonderfully preserved and widely disseminated. I have to confess, I'm envious.