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The Rise of Skywalker: RESURGENCE (Released)

Hey Krausfadr, just started watching your edit. Wanted to say a few things.

•I don’t agree with what some folks said on your reddit post. I found the mask recording scene in the beginning to be a good touch. We can assume from your edit that it happens on Mustafar. I’m not sure why folks say it doesn’t flow well, I think this you did a good job! It’s important since we see Kylo with the knights of ren in this opening scene (band is back together!) I loved the flashback/Corellia scene with Kylo touching the Vader mask. It made sense that he is destroying the past, killing it, while clinging to his false father. Killing the wrong past. I saw someone say that that didn’t like this scene and I think you should keep it in!

•I do agree that the planet destruction to Rey meditation was a bit abrupt. I also found that the scene with the spy was a bit confusing considering that we saw the spy-guy later on in the film. I think that it could still work if finn and Poe met him first. Tough call.

I really liked what you’re trying to do with the worm/Rey dark side scene, but I don’t think the message was conveyed very well. I know it’s hard with the material you had to work with!! Maybe more menacing music playing? Maybe that menacing music could be then be played again when Rey uses lightning?

I havent finished watching yet, I’m about half way there. Will give my final thoughts soon.