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Info & Help: looking for... the Australian version of Crocodile Dundee?

The original Australian version played only in Australia. Even New Zealand got the US version. The Aussie version had more time in the outback and was a bit more relaxed. Paramount thought it was important to get to New York as fast as they could so they culled 6 minutes out of the Australian scenes.

There were several names in the US part that had to be changed. Sue at one point introduces Mick to a Senator Bradley. Well, it turned out there actually WAS a Senator Bradley so they changed it to Senator Manly (as in Sydney’s famous beach). A couple of other names and slang were also changed to suit the international audience better. Oh, the Aussie version also does not have the word Crocodile as “Crocodile”. They added the quotation marks in case anyone thought it was actually a story about a crocodile. No, I am not kidding.

John Cornell (producer and long-time friend of Hogan) added his name as a script writer to the US version so he would be eligible for an Oscar Nomination. It worked and he was, but he does not have a writing credit in the Australian version.

There’s also some language from the pimp that was toned down for the international cut. In the original he drops the ‘F Bomb’ at least twice.

Hope this helps.