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Star Wars: The Complete Chronological Series: Fan-Edit Edition (WiP)

VaderJr316 here, admin of the Star Wars Master Editors Community! Out of the many projects me and the rest of the community are working on, We are working towards the biggest edit we’ve ever worked on before! I am taking every single canon on-screen media and splicing everything together to perfect chronological order in one huge movie. There will be 3 “parts” to this movie. The Prequel Era which will end with Revenge of the Sith, The Imperial Era which will end with Ahsoka (for now), and The Sequel Era. Among this edit I am adding in a huge amount of beautiful Fan-Edited Scenes. I am also going to use PixelJokers Kenobi Edit. I will take his cgi edits and splice them back into the original story since he is changing the script slightly and shortening it quite a bit. I am also going to use StarWarsStory’s 2003 Clone Wars Canon edit when that comes out. There are plenty of areas in this edit that I haven’t planned out yet, so if you’d like to shoot me some ideas and possibly even help out, shoot me a DM! I’d love as much help as possible!