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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Episode 3 Palpatine confrontation:


Or if 4 Jedi do go in there.Palpatine can Force Crush one Jedi lightsaber handle where we see the blade go out and then Palpatine Force Pulls the Jedi over to himself where Palpatine's own red lightsaber goes into the Jedi chest. (1 Jedi down,3 to go)

Then Palpatine Force Pushes a Jedi and Mace out of the room where the Jedi gets impaled by a statue. (2 Jedi down,2 to go)

Palpatine quickly flips over to Kit Fisto and fights him as Mace is seen in the background getting up off the floor and running back over to join the fight.

Palpatine kills Kit Fisto right before Mace even gets there. (3 Jedi down,1 to go)

Then Palpatine vs Mace.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Episode 3 (Palpatine duel with 4 Jedi easy fix)

Instead of 4 Jedi going to confront Palpatine,have Mace and Anakin on there way to tell Palpatine that General Grievous has been killed and that he can now step down as Chancellor.

Then Palpatine says that he just can't do that,and the first time we see the Force Lightning is when he zaps Mace,and Mace flies across the room getting knocked out.

Anakin ignites his lightsaber and Palpatine ignites his and we see Anakin vs Palpatine.Palpatine is trying to talk Anakin down during their duel,telling him that he has the power to stop Padme from dying and if Anakin becomes his new apprentice,then he will share this power with Anakin.

Anakin stops swinging his lightsaber and is just standing there thinking about what Palpatine has just told him as there two lightsabers are sizzling as the blades are crossed on top of each other.

Thats when Mace flips over toward where Palpatine is.Palpatine looks behind himself and sees Mace flipping over.Palpatine Force Pushes Anakin across the room as Palpatine focuses his attention onto Mace.

Mace vs Palpatine as Anakin just watches.Then when Palpatine is down and Mace is about to kill Palpatine,Anakin throws his lightsaber across the room where it cuts off Mace's hand.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

AOTC: Final Fight

Get Sideshow figures of Anakin/Mace/Dooku/Jango Fett/Blue Clone Trooper/Green Clone Trooper.

Then with stop motion animation:

-Have Jango Fett not face Mace in the arena and get killed.Then have Anakin and Mace with two clone troopers(blue&green one) with them go to the hangar to face Dooku and Jango Fett.Have Mace tell Dooku,how could you Dooku,you were a Jedi?Dooku force pulls the blue clone trooper to him and ignites his lightsaber into his chest and says and now I am a Dark Jedi.

Then Dooku somersaults over to Anakin and the two have a lightsaber fight.
The green clone trooper starts shooting at Jango and Jango flies up with his jet-pack and shoots the green clone trooper with his flamethrower.Then Mace Force slams Jango to the ground and somersaults over to Jango to slice him with his lightsaber.

But Jango ignites his jet-pack and goes sliding across the floor and crashes into Mace's legs making Mace fall to the ground face first and Mace's lightsaber goes sliding across the floor.

After Jango slides across the ground with his jet-pack,Jango gets up takes out both of his pistols and turns towards Mace.Anakin and Dooku's fight has come to a stop because Anakin is Force choking Dooku where Dooku is hovering two feet off the ground slowly having the life squeezed out of him (Anakin's eyes turn to Sith eyes).

Anakin lets go of Dooku when he sees that Mace needs help.Dooku falls to the ground choking.Anakin slices Jango's pistols in one swing.Jango has blades come out of his gauntlets and Jango slices Anakin in the face with them giving Anakin the famous scar.

Jango then shoots a tether out of his other gauntlet around Anakin's neck and Jango flies up with his jet-pack and tosses Anakin across the room where Anakin slams into the rock wall and then slams onto the ground.Anakin's lightsaber goes sliding across the room away from him.

Jango lands back on the ground and shoots a missle from his jet-pack at Anakin.Anakin Force pushes out of the way and the missle hits the rock wall above Anakin.The rocks come falling down on Anakin,but Anakin Force holds most of them from landing on him.But one big rock gets by and lands on Anakin's right arm pinning him to the ground.

Mace gets up and Force picks up his lightsaber and quickly swings it behind him as he blocks Dooku's lightsaber from killing him.Mace and Dooku fight.Mace asking Dooku why he left the Jedi order and Dooku telling Mace why.

Jango walks towards Anakin and picks up one of the clone troopers rifles and says to Anakin,time to die Jedi.Anakin Force grabs his lightsaber and quickly ignites it as Jango starts blasting him.

Anakin is blocking the blasts.Then In the middle of Mace's fight with Dooku,Mace slices the rifle in half and then keeps fighting with Dooku.Then Anakin Force throws his lightsaber at Jango where it ends up decapitating Jango.Anakin's lightsaber comes back to him and Anakin just watches helplessly as Mace fights Dooku.

Until Dooku slashes Mace's arm then leg making Mace fall to the ground.Dooku tells Mace he is sorry as he is about to kill Mace.Anakin cuts off his own hand that is stuck under the rock and flips over to block Dooku's lightsaber from killing Mace.

Anakin vs Dooku again.This time Anakin's eyes turn back into Sith eyes as Anakin uses the Force to make everything in the room hit Dooku as they have their lightsaber fight.Some object hits Dooku in the head and thats when Anakin jams his lightsaber into Dooku's chest killing him.



Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

On ROTJ you should use stop motion animation with star wars figures to add a better lightsaber fight.Have Luke vs Vader where Luke wins by jamming his lightsaber into Vader's chest.


Have Vader fall to his knees as Luke force grabs Vader's lightsaber and crosses the two lightsabers to Vader's neck (like how Anakin did to Dooku).


Then have the emperor say,kill him and become my new apprentice.Then have Luke turn around and say,no,I am a Jedi.Then have the emperor say,so be it,as the emperor pulls out his own lightsaber and then we get to see Luke vs the emperor where Luke uses two lightsabers to fight him.


Then the emperor uses force lightning to knock the lightsabers out of Luke's hands and zaps Luke with a bolt of lightning as well.


When Luke is lying on the ground have the emperor walk over and is about to strike the Jedi down with his lightsaber,until it is blocked with another red lightsaber.


As the emperor turns and sees Vader blocking the blade.Then we get to see Vader vs the emperor (red vs red).