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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Collipso said:

I just joined too, and so far I’ve been very welcome. Here, from my understanding, you’re treated the way you treat people. Don’t be an asshole, or rude, or annoying to anyone and you’ll be fine.

I think if you like the movie you will be treated well. But if you don’t like the movie you might get banned. I hope I will like it or else! haha…

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Collipso said:

I just joined too, and so far I’ve been very welcome. Here, from my understanding, you’re treated the way you treat people. Don’t be an asshole, or rude, or annoying to anyone and you’ll be fine.

Hi Collipso, I’m just signing up too. I just got out of school and I’m going to see the movie tonight! But I’m worried because if I post something bad about the movie, will I get banned? I’m scared because the same people keep posting over and over again like they want to harrass people who don’t agree with them. I hope it won’t happen to me! I hope I will like the new STAR WARS movie but I didn’t like the last one so I don’t know. These things keep getting worse all the time!