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Greedo shot first!?!?!?!? Star Wars Blu-Ray Review

Ok as many of you know the blu-rays are terrible! Its official that Lucas has lost my intrest. Lets start with the ONLY good change on any of the films. Finally a SCI yoda for Phantom Menace! It is so much better that the creppy puppet they used in the film. Now to the crap. Greedo shot first? What is Lucas trying to say? I mean when Han shoots him first of all its a blue bug eyed creature so who care about him. Its obvious Han just dosent want to pay Jabba crap. And all the changes too much. And I need help on making a dvd of all of the deleted scenes and the parodies so I can sell those pieces of junk!!! If you havent bought the blurays dont waste your money!!!

Need help!!! Trying to make laser disc of all of the deleted scenes so I can sell my crappy blurays!!!!!

I of course like everyother hardcore fan bought the blurays and was pissed. Need simple instructions to burn all of the deleted scenes on a septate dvd. I have a OT box set on dvd with all of the theatricals but not many deleted scenes so I would like some help so I can sell the crappy blurays