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The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

I noticed that, actually, and after watching the edit in question I think it was a really clever decision. The way you’ve woven Fod & TotJ together makes them work better than they did as standalone entities, in my opinion. I also second ifjg’s suggestion on how to handle the transitioning aspect ratios throughout the episode. Either way, I’m glad to hear the pieces of CW’03 that were shaved off in the process won’t be left dormant too long. As for the intros, that makes sense to me. It’s not that big of a deal regardless. I mostly just wanted to have something helpful to offer as feedback, and that’s what came to mind. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to watching the rest!

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

I’ve slowly delved into TCW:R over the last couple weeks, and I love it. It’s now my preferred way to experience the show, and I have so much gratitude for the tireless effort put into this. I did have a couple questions/notes/what-have-yous that I wanted to bring up, though. Leading with the question, are your plans for the rest of the applicable content from 2003’s CW near or far off? The Ilum content in particular feels important enough that I hesitate to doff it with NumeralJoker’s cut, no matter how much your alterations, especially your overhaul of Anakin’s portrayal, enhance the show.

I also want to say I appreciate how you provide multiple ways to experience this. However, your intros sometimes reference the episode just prior in a way that doesn’t feel self-contained. For example, Attack on Geonosis is noted as potentially important for the Filoniverse, but not Shadow of Geonosis. Yet skipping the latter makes the line “Padme’s recent investigation” during the intro feel like a nod to something the viewer should’ve seen but didn’t as compared to something like “A recent investigation by Padme.” It isn’t a big gripe, but it’s something that felt noteworthy enough to mention.

Anyway, I believe that’s all I have to say. Thanks again for this incredible project. It grows more impressive with every bit I see.