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Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

Hey all! Posting my usual update to confirm that this project STILL isn’t dead. We’re hoping the print will be shipped out soon, and doing what we can to get it to that point.

The person holding on to the print shared a portion of what his day-to-day schedule is like, and for the record I can understand why he’s been so busy– there’s been a LOT on his plate! He has a very hectic job and there have been some incidents recently that he’s been putting a crazy amount of time and energy into (without sharing too much).

Rest assured, I have not forgotten and am still committed to doing what I can to work things out. I have a couple of other projects I’m planning going if anyone is interested, including one which I haven’t posted about yet but hopefully will be soon. Stay tuned as always. 😃

Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams– 4K 35mm Scan (Open for Donations!)

Here’s a little for-fun project y’all might be interested in– I recently acquired a German print of Spy Kids 2 which I’ll be getting scanned! No idea how this movie will look on film compared to the Blu-Ray release, but it’ll be neat to see.

Donations are currently open, and we could definitely use the support for this one, so please PM me if you’re interested!

The print has arrived to Quazza and will be scanned once he gets around to it!

Depending on donations, I’m anticipating things will move fairly quick with this one (unlike a certain other project people have been waiting for 😛). Updates should be coming pretty quick, so stay tuned for more.

Print will be scanned in 6.5k by Quazza using a Lasergraphics Scanstation.

Current total: $104
Current fundraising goal: $700

Please PM me about donations. Minimum $10, payment via PayPal (choose “Friends and Family”). FINAL SCAN WILL BE DONOR-ONLY!!!

The cost of the print on eBay was €156 including shipping (about $165). A third of that has been covered by a friend of mine, and I may try to recoup the rest through donations depending on people’s level of interest.

Here’s a (very rough) breakdown of the other expenses:

SCANNING: About $400
SHIPPING FROM GERMANY: €161,62 (about $170)
SHIPPING TO MY Home: $100?

I’m not sure about the domestic shipping cost yet as I’ve never had a feature print shipped to me before. Additionally, this does not factor in the cost of a hard drive, which will likely be about $100 (I could potentially cover this myself if need be).

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

Alrighty you beautiful bastards– it’s time for yet another update. I’m very happy to say that after just ofer a year of zero movement, despite what I said the other day, we will FINALLY be seeing some progress very soon!

First of all, to the mods of that one server on that one app– that was very rude of you, and you need to take a time-out (or let me back in please).

More importantly, my print-holder over in Australia has stated that he will get the print shipped in the next week or two– it turns out he’s had a bit of trouble securing cans to put the cores of film in, but after recently messaging him he’s already ordered a set which is already being shipped to him. He’s said that he’ll send the films out as soon as possible after he gets the cans.

As I have before, I must apologize for the lack of updates– life’s been all over the place, anxiety’s been at an all-time high, and I’ve been trying my best to balance it all (which is why SOME particular individuals in power should show a bit more sympathy perhaps). The fury of being called a grifter pushed me to up my assertiveness, which I’m very happy to say has led to some honest-to-goodness progress.

Stay tuned for more updates– I SAID I’d give them when I had more to say!


Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

kiyohimewah said:

just an FYI & small update for transparency’s sake, trist still hasn’t received the 35mm print from valeyard (RU.08) [there’s been little in the way of communication] & gave a time-frame of things possibly taking up to 2 years max, but he hasn’t given up on the project

https://imgur.com/a/ZhyZCGB <- from a discord server, these aren’t private messages

Thank you for this! I’m hearing people are getting a bit antsy, and I can entirely understand why. I promise I’ll give a detailed update very soon, there’s a lot to unpack.

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

skytrapal said:

TristAndShout64 said:

skytrapal said:

I have just donated. Happy to help out anytime.

I just refunded this donation. People, I don’t know where you keep finding links to the PayPal, but please stop sending money without asking first. I’m trying to make it as clear as possible that I’m NOT taking money at the moment, and if you send money for Toy Story then I’m simply going to send it back. I will UPDATE THE FORUM if I’m taking donations again. Thank you.

Sorry about that there was a link to the old thread with the PayPal link.

No worries! Thanks for letting me know, I thought I’d removed all the links from the old thread I’ll scan it over again and make sure I didn’t miss any.

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

skytrapal said:

I have just donated. Happy to help out anytime.

I just refunded this donation. People, I don’t know where you keep finding links to the PayPal, but please stop sending money without asking first. I’m trying to make it as clear as possible that I’m NOT taking money at the moment, and if you send money for Toy Story then I’m simply going to send it back. I will UPDATE THE FORUM if I’m taking donations again. Thank you.

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

AwesomeJ said:

To those who don’t know, someone uploaded a clip from the CAV laserdisc in full 1440p, and I got to say its probably the closest and highest quality bit of footage we’ll get of the original 35mm version of the film before this project gets released!


This is super neat, thanks for sharing!

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

littlejoe416 said:

I think the people behind this are purposely dragging their feet because of the leaks but that’s lame. Imo


In all seriousness, I promise this isn’t the case. To be a bit blunt about it at this point I’m like 95% this will end up getting leaked, I’d rather it doesn’t but it’s not really the end of the world for me if it does lmao.

As I said, I’ve just been focused on other things and there haven’t really been any updates to give as I’m waiting on someone else to ship the print. Also, regarding other projects, I do have a couple going but they’re unfortunately private so I won’t be sharing too many details. One of them will be shared publicly though so I’ll likely make a post about that once it’s finished!

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

Hey y’all!

Updating to assure you guys that this project is not dead. I haven’t posted much both because of my own life getting in the way and just because there haven’t been any real updates to give, but Valeyard still has the print and will hopefully be able to send it soon. As someone in his server I can attest that he’s insanely busy, hence why it’s taking him a bit of time, plus this isn’t the only print he has over there that he needs to send out so he’s got quite a bit to take care of.

We’re over a year in since I first posted, so thank you guys for being patient. Hang tight, I promise I’ll let y’all know as soon as more progress has been made.

Yee haw,

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

By the way, apolocheese for not having updated the donor list for a while. Toy Story’s admittedly been off my mind since the beginning of this month– I’m taking a well-needed mental break!

Right now I’m focused on work and college + other life events, but I’m still committed to the project and will try to see things get sorted by the end of this year as I wait for more info. I’ll see if I can get email addresses sometime soon, I just have much else that I need to put my energy towards at the moment. Feel free to reach out via DM if you have any questions!

Peace ✌🏻,

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

AwesomeJ said:

TristAndShout64 said:

Answered penguin’s questions by DM. At this point we’re going to be a bit over $1500 and I believe I can safely say that the project is about as FULLY FUNDED as it will get, so I will be fully closing donations off. My apologies to anyone who didn’t get a chance to donate– believe me when I say that I’d honestly share this with everyone if I could.

On a more positive note, I owe a huge thank-you to everyone who has donated over the past several months. I need to update the list on the forum, but I believe that once the remaining parties throw their bits in we’ll have over 75 different donors who have contributed. Pardon my French, but that’s fucking crazy!! I’m so glad I ran into this community and incredibly grateful to have the support of everyone who wants to see this as much as I do. I’ll try to message whoever I still need to about email addresses, and I also plan on refunding all of you a little depending on how much money is left over. Again, thank you guys so much– you honestly are my favorite deputies.

I’m still waiting for things to get moving over in Australia, so for now all we can really do is wait. I’ll figure out what I can and post another update as soon as possible. Until then, reach for the sky!


Any new update regarding the project?

Nothing much for now. I’m not sure what Vale’s schedule is like (I imagine he has a lot going on) but I’ll see if I can have him ship it over to the cleaner by the end of this year. I promise I’ll give another update as soon as possible!

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

Answered penguin’s questions by DM. At this point we’re going to be a bit over $1500 and I believe I can safely say that the project is about as FULLY FUNDED as it will get, so I will be fully closing donations off. My apologies to anyone who didn’t get a chance to donate– believe me when I say that I’d honestly share this with everyone if I could.

On a more positive note, I owe a huge thank-you to everyone who has donated over the past several months. I need to update the list on the forum, but I believe that once the remaining parties throw their bits in we’ll have over 75 different donors who have contributed. Pardon my French, but that’s fucking crazy!! I’m so glad I ran into this community and incredibly grateful to have the support of everyone who wants to see this as much as I do. I’ll try to message whoever I still need to about email addresses, and I also plan on refunding all of you a little depending on how much money is left over. Again, thank you guys so much– you honestly are my favorite deputies.

I’m still waiting for things to get moving over in Australia, so for now all we can really do is wait. I’ll figure out what I can and post another update as soon as possible. Until then, reach for the sky!


Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

TheSkeletonMan939 said:

Hey Trist – could you give an update some time about what the next steps will be? I am a little unclear on what the $1300 has covered – the cost of the print? Scanning? You mentioned hard drives but have you determined a specific amount of cash you will need for those?
Thank you for organizing this; the movie was a childhood favorite of mine.

No problem, I’m glad you’re interested in the project! I’m happy to clear things up a bit for you and other people who may be confused about the monetary aspect of things. Here is just about everything that needs to be covered financially speaking:
-Cleaning by Flix35
-Scanning by Quazza
-Shipping costs
-Storage costs

The scanning cost should be about $430 and cleaning will be just under $300, hence our initial goal of $700. Then there’s the shipping, which is its own ordeal– we’ll be sending the print from Australia to Texas for cleaning, then to Pennsylvania for scanning, and finally to Minnesota as that’s where I live. Unfortunately, we don’t have a concrete shipping cost yet because Valeyard (aka “RU.08” who has the print currently) hasn’t been able to weigh the print to calculate just how much that would be, but I figure $600 would be enough to cover all the passing around. Any remaining money would go towards a hard drive– probably an SSD which should cost around $100-200, hence the $1500 cap. Also, I plan on returning donations if we end up with extra funds (though this won’t affect eligibility to receive the final scan).

I hope that makes things a bit clearer. We’ve covered just about everything and any further donations will essentially factor into the cost of the hard drive. Feel free to ask any other questions you guys have (I’ll be PM’ing some of you at some point here).

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

Hooray, OT is back up! I’ll be reaching out to donors sometime soon to get email addresses in case this happens again, but feel free to PM it to me if you’d like.

Anyways, I suppose it’s a perfect time for an update, as there’s a lot to discuss. Firstly, I want to share a bit about distribution of the final print, which will be done a bit differently now due to the recent Reddit leaks which caused a bit of a stir.

I won’t go too much into detail regarding my opinions on what happened, but I will say that I find openly sharing these scans on Reddit and other websites a bit irresponsible and a good way to get some person or another in trouble. To be clear, I don’t necessarily think we should gatekeep or disallow people from seeing scans; I think it should be up to whoever did the scan who they distribute the print to (not that there are any implied rights, but I see it as a simple courtesy thing), but at the very least I believe that it should be kept to private messages as opposed to just having a website with download links to full, copyrighted movies.

Knowing all this, I will be slightly tightening things as far as who will receive copies of the print. I’m in favor of letting more people see the final scan, but I’m just too fearful of getting in trouble after it gets posted online to be willing to send it to whoever messages me and asks. Perhaps that’s irrational to some capacity, but it’s just something I’m not comfortable with at this point.

The long-and-short of it this: all people who have donated WILL get a copy, as expected. Other people interested can receive a copy AT MY DISCRETION, but will be required to provide image proof that they own a copy of the film. I’ll be keeping things fairly limited, so don’t necessarily expect a response if you PM me asking for a copy.

If you do receive a copy of the scan, know that I’m trusting you not to share a copy with anyone else or post it online, and my willingness to do another project like this may be impacted if anyone does so. Also, I’d like to share that I plan on posting clips of the final scan on YouTube/Archive.org, as I do want to give everyone the opportunity to see it in some capacity.

My apologies if this leaves some people feeling disappointed, but it’s what I ultimately feel is the best course of action. I might find some way to get the scan out to more people in the future, but for now I’d like to keep things as lowkey as possible.

With that out of the way, Let’s discuss the scan itself! As far as funds go, we’re currently sitting at a little over $1400. I imagine this should be about as much as we need, so I’ve removed the donation link from the top post, but I may or may not intermittently accept a couple more (with proof of ownership of the film). I’ll be hard-capping us at around $1500, as I don’t think more than that will be necessary. Valeyard still has the print in Australia, and we’re hoping to get things moving sometime fairly soon, so stay tuned for further updates. I’ll send another OT-longer whenever I have more to share. Peace and love y’all! ✌🏻


Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

KillThad said:

TristAndShout64 said:

KillThad said:


Awesome, thanks! This has officially pushed us past the $1000 mark!

Unfortunately, as shown below, we now have some funds being withheld due to the amount of money the account has received this month. As a reminder to interested donors, PLEASE make sure you select “Friends and Family” if using Donation Link 1 (NOT “Goods and Services”).


Still, don’t let this overshadow the overall victory– a thousand dollars in under 4 months is awesome! It seems that despite the lower quantity of donations this past month, many of them have been on the bigger side, which has really helped to keep progress high over the past month. Just $300 to go, we’ve got this!!

“As a reminder to interested donors, PLEASE make sure you select “Friends and Family” if using Donation Link 1 (NOT ‘Goods and Services’)”
Ah hell. My bad, man.

Ah, no worries. It’s not a big deal in the long run, and I should’ve made it clearer to do so anyways, which I’ve now gone ahead and done on the front post.

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

Hey, sorry for the radio silence and props to all the recent donors who I haven’t thanked. I’m happy to say that we’ve now passed $1300 and are continuing to climb! I’ll be giving a more detailed update as soon as possible, but in the meantime feel free to continue donating as we could still use money for the cost of a hard drive.

Additionally, when I have the chance I would like to address some recent events within the community that have shaken things up a bit, and discuss how they will impact this project. For now, I would like to share that while the project still won’t be strictly donors only, there will now be some restrictions on who will be receiving the prints once the project is finished (at least for the time being).

Either way, I’m grateful for the continued support and I shall give more details soon enough. To infinity and beyond!


Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

KillThad said:


Awesome, thanks! This has officially pushed us past the $1000 mark!

Unfortunately, as shown below, we now have some funds being withheld due to the amount of money the account has received this month. As a reminder to interested donors, PLEASE make sure you select “Friends and Family” if using Donation Link 1 (NOT “Goods and Services”).


Still, don’t let this overshadow the overall victory– a thousand dollars in under 4 months is awesome! It seems that despite the lower quantity of donations this past month, many of them have been on the bigger side, which has really helped to keep progress high over the past month. Just $300 to go, we’ve got this!!

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

Ok, update time! Sorry for the radio silence- life’s been pretty busy lately and I just haven’t had the time to sit down and write something out for you guys.


So first of all, thank you all so much for the support/donations thus far. As of me writing this, we have gotten a staggering $900 between 46 donors (47 counting myself 😉). That’s an average of $300 per month, which is just amazing! This includes $200 which we’ve gained in the few weeks since reaching our first goal, so we’ve already gotten a bit of a head start on our next goal.

Another neat thing that happened since hitting our goal was an Instagram shoutout from “@raretoystory” who has been interested in something like this for a while as far as I can tell. He made a post which got a suprising bit of traction, and we even got a couple of really big donations as a result! Of course, we always want to be weary about something like this on the off-chance that studio heads somehow catch on and don’t like what we’re doing… it had me a little worried for a bit, but we’ll just have to try our best to keep things lowkey-ish and we should be OK. I’m still grateful for the shoutout and will ensure RTS a copy when we’re finished!

As for what’s next… as I’ve said, we now need to focus on raising money to cover the considerable shipping costs. We’ll also need money to buy a hard drive for the scan to go onto, but I just might cover the cost of that myself depending on where I am financially when the time comes around. For now, let’s make the shipping aspect our priority!

We unfortunately still don’t have a concrete idea of how much shipping will total to, as Valeyard is recovering from a knee injury and can’t do any heavy lifting (therefore can’t weigh the print for us). However, my rough guess is that it’ll be between $200-300 from Australia to the cleaner, then $100 each to send it to the scanner and then to me. That may be overestimating on my part, but we’ll find out in due time.

With all this in mind, I think a good monetary goal for us to now aim for is $1300. That’s the $700 we’ve already raised for scanning/cleaning, plus an extra $600 for shipping from Australia and across the US, which I figure ought to be enough to cover whatever the costs will be in the end. Of course, we’re essentially a third of the way there already thanks to the latest wave of donations, which is great!

I encourage anyone interested in the print to donate if they can. If you can’t, then share the project with friends who you think would be interested. Heck, if you’ve already donated, then consider doing so a second time! I don’t mean to come off as pushy (still not limiting to donors only, though to be safe I’ll probably require proof of ownership of a legal copy of the film), but we’ve started to hit a lull in donations after a bit of a spike towards the first half of the month, and we’ll need all the support we can get to reach our next goal, and any help doing so is greatly appreciated.

Finally, a couple of things I had planned in store that I wanted to share. I mentioned in my first forum thread that I was potentially interested in streaming some Toy Story games to raise donations. This is still something I’d like to do, if just for fun at this point, and I’m going to try to fit it in sometime before the end of the summer. Something else I’m planning on doing is making a comparison video of sorts showing the 35mm trailer scan side-by-side with DVD footage of the movie, which I think would do wonders in really showing just how different this movie looks on film. Expect a link whenever I get around to it!

Once again, thank you guys so much for all the support. I could never have imagined that we’d make this much progress in just three short months, and I’m so excited to see what happens next. To infinity and beyond!!!


Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

Dyl said:

Been a lurker of the OT forums for a few years, but finally decided to act after seeing such an extensive restoration project of my favorite film of all time of which I’ve held a lifelong passion for (and an ungodly amount of toys, merchandise, and artbooks, one of which is signed by John Lasseter). I donated $2.18 (2 1nfinity and ∞) to help preserve Toy Story in its original format for infinity and beyond!

Ha- I love it!! Thanks a lot, your support is appreciated and I’m glad to see you’re equally passionate about such a great movie.

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

AwesomeJ said:

TristAndShout64 said:

ScruffyNerfHerder said:

I’m really looking forward to your results. I just donated $15. 😃

Thank you so much! Your donation got us to exactly $700!!

I’m currently on vacation, but I’ll make another post when I get back on Wednesday. 😁

So, whats the next course of action?

Raise more money! Now that we’ve reached the cost of services (cleaning and scanning) we just need enough money to ship the print around to the various places it needs to go.

I’ll make a proper follow-up post when I have the chance, including a rough estimation of how much more money we’ll need (nothing concrete until we can get canisters and weigh the print). For now, I encourage people to continue donating if they’re interested! 😃