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Hello everyone!

Obligatory Star Wars memory here: Hiding my face during the Cantina scene where all the varied life-forms appeared.
Once past these “monsters”, my child self was free to continue watching the big screen and my family wouldn’t have to worry about having wasting any money on cinema tickets 😄

Optional controversial statement here: I’d have been happy if George Lucas had commissioned a computer composited Clay-Mation Jabba for Han Solo to walk around in the so-called “special” editions, at least the technology would have been in keeping with the rest of the production.

Random nitpick here: That square block of total darkness around that rotating Tie Fighter, though? (Once it’s been pointed out, you’ll never see it without wincing again). Someone on the cine film element clean-up floor obviously got a little cocky.

Stuff I’m working on: Merging multiple copies of Toei’s Yu-Gi-Oh VHS tapes via various Japanese video recorders for the purposes of obteining no-bounce, no-drop-out copies of the AV which can then be combined with soft-subs drafted from various internet group’s subtitles (credits to be included of course).
Hunting first edition rental copies of JP Pokemon VHS volumes one and two for the purposes of correctly capturing full-speed “paka-paka” effects for reference insertion into recently released (but still tampered with) HD footage. It’s not just Porygon thst gets edited out of the timeline, sparking skeleton Satoshi needs some love, too!