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Help needed with preserving Star Trek: The Cage (unaired pilot)

I remember when i was very young,not sure the date maybe some time at 2000 or so?, but very back in time that one spanish libray have a copy of the cage online on the web. Im note sure the origin of the copy… because the cage was never broadcasted here or dubbed until the Netflix era. But i remember the feeling that was very very old copy , as he was very very low resulution. Im note sure what versión can do. But reading your post remember me that thing.

The A-Team Broadcast Restoration (Released)

We found a copy of jumping Jack flash but i don’t have comment it to you because don’t was usseful. Its a record prom a spanish paid Channel back in the 90.its in spanish, and they have the bigger bigger logo of the Channel.And the capture is analogic don’t hd,so don’t very usseful for reconstruct purpusues.Mostly to us to have the dubbed track in spanish.

The A-Team Broadcast Restoration (Released)

Happy 40th aniversary to A-team.

Just question how are broadcasted a A-team in your countrys the first years And now?.

For example in my old VHS from 2002 i record from TV the uncut versión of double episodes.But today was broadcasted the syndicated version in Tv cutted.

Back in the 2000 the pilot was don’t aired. But was broadcasted in the 80/90.

Some teasers i have recorded in 2002 are mising in the DVDs.

Well really univeral block all teasers in the DVDs

Help Wanted: Knight Rider restoration

This just a curiosity about knight rider that people outside spain don’t know. But it’s funny I want share it.

This is the first announce of knight rider that Spanish TV public channel do of knight rider back in 1985. It inside of another program that talk about the channel programming.


The funny think of that it’s the argument… The presenter tell that

“the científics of knight industries works to set up a new car for Michael,it would be indestructible with a talking computer connected to a sensor implanted in the brain of Michael, the car is fantastic, word of honor”


Help Wanted: Knight Rider restoration

crampedmisfit1990 said:

I was researching edits to the A-TEAM series and a user named jeremy223 compiled a list of the changes as follows:

Mexican Slayride: “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” has been replaced with new music and footage of Murdock singing along has been cut. Columbia House VHS has this scene intact.
The Columbia House DVD spanish soundtrack plays “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”, but the scene with Murdock singing along is still missing.

A Small and Deadly War: A scene with Murdock singing “Satisfaction” has been cut. Columbia House VHS, Itunes, VUDU, and Google Play have this scene intact.

When You Comin’ Back , Range Rider?: Part of Hannibal’s dialog is cut. In the line “Now you tell Mr. Carter he’s out of the rustling business.” all words are missing except rustling business. This scene is intact on Netflix.

Cup A’ Joe: The song “Cheeseburger in Paradise” has been removed.
Beverly Hills Assault: The songs “The Heat is On” and “Dedicated Follower of Fashion” have been replaced with new music. “The Heat is On” can be found intact on VUDU and Google Play.

Teasers are missing from several episodes. The missing teasers can be found on Netflix and Amazon digital downloads.

No changes that I know of.

Keep in mind that this was compiled before the Blu-ray release and some may be fixed, but I checked the pilot and it still has Murdock singing cut out with replacement music instead of “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” as intended. I believe most of these are still edited even on the Blu-ray.

Hi, what are the DVD that have the Spanish track with the “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”?. I want buy it. I think the track is correct, on the sense that in the other murdock cut scene in deadly maneuvers the cut scene its not dubbed in a TV broadcast… As dubbing actors normally don’t dubbing the original actors when signing.

And is Spanish from Spain or from another country?.

Thank you!.

The A-Team Broadcast Restoration (Released)

Just checking with tv and spain dvds I have (the first release from 200x) .

-Jumpin flash in tv is broadcasted but cut. As people tell murdock don’t make yahoo!.I think it’s the syndicated version,because are divided in two parts and they cut all the part where they take off and take out b.a from the plane.

In the dvds the music was changed,murdock make the yahoo but don’t singing.(but more later he signging something until annibal interrupt it).

-Small and Deadly War
In tv(syndicated version) Murdock singing,but is not dubbed into Spanish.(as Mexican slyride from dvd have the original spanish dubbed audio from 1985) . I think is not dubbed because don’t exist on the no syndicated version.

In the DVD that part its cut.

DVD only (the broadcast its now in season 1).

-When You Comin’ Back, Range Rider?’ it’s the uncut version.
And the Hannibal speak all the phrase. No cuts here.

-Cup A’ Joe’

The hamburger song is there(in spanish/English track) 😃.

-Beverly Hills Assault
The heat song is there, but only in the Spanish track. In the v.o(english) is changed by another generic song.

Dedicated Follower of Fashion.

It’s there but only in the Spanish track. The English track have the song changed.

The dvds don’t have teasers I think. But I think I have recorded in a VHS varius chapter emitted in the 2000. I don’t remember if they have teasers but, if the do it should be in spanish

Help Wanted: Knight Rider restoration

Hi, from Spain, I have the knight rider first release dvds that sold here(we don’t have Blu-ray, we don’t have a streaming sites where buy it or view it, only the dvds and TV broadcast).

In my box tell Spanish audio 2.0 mono/English stereo 2.0 in season 4.

I think we have a release only for us due of Spanish dubbing. Our release are different that the other European country’s. For example in 3x07 rottle apple we lost about 1 minute of scenes:


In this episode i have view also another thing, that I don’t know if are in another releases . When they are traveling in the bus with the song the girls speak to the guys in back of bus,but the girl voice was cut. In Spanish and English track. So it’s appears it singin by itself in silence, but she is speaking with the guys bus.

I this pack due to the prince song, in white riders universal take out the entire Spanish dubbing. Let the episode only in v.o. With the prince music changed.

They also cut the spanish dubbing in Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death.

In the next episode.there is also 1 minute scene that lost Spanish dubbing.

I don’t know if the actual Spanish 2021 repack have changes in the songs in the v.o. But they don’t have recover the Spanish dubbing.

We have another DVD source, knight rider come out a few years later of Universal DVD release. In a collectible in kiosk. As universal dvds(all think that are released here are dual Spanish/english).

I check from now. They recover Spanish dubing in give me liberty or give me death and in white line riders they recover Spanish dubbing,cutting it in the prince song scene that is v.o.s (with the music changed).

I don’t know if the season 4 was stereo in these dvds.

The broadcast history was another little knightmare.

Knight rider was dubbed here in the public channel(that also buy a-team).

We have the pilot of knight rider dubbed 3 times. One time for VHS release.(with the Spanish a-team voices!!. Murdock was Michael knight!!.). Another the tve public channel original dubbing. And the redubing universal put in the dvds…

Then later back in 90 and 2000 and so. Knight rider(and the a-team to). Was broadcast in private channels. And they always cut 4 minutes, the scene with the song in give me liberty or give me death, that start with Michael and Devon talking in the semi.

That happened always until 2016 when in a new TV broadcast they redubbed the 4 minutes with the song changed and recovery the scenes in Apple chapter. An redubing the 1 minute scene of 1x16.

Now there is a another broadcasting of knight rider and a-team in tv.

I in the way to record it to compare. They are only begining.

About the A-team I don’t have checked the music cuts. (we have two two version dvd from Universal and kiosk DVD).

But during years in the TV they always cut the pilot episode and not broadcast it . Starting in 1x02

Also the private channel makes some redubing. And the dvds takes Spanish dubbing some from the public channel, some from private channel.