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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

EddieDean said:

TheStrange said:

This further discussion doesn’t belong in this thread, TheStrange. Hal has said no.

Ascendent is now a 5 year old project with 700 pages of chat and 5 versions. It’s clearly a mature project whose vision is well established, and about which a lot of options have been considered.

Why be so rude? I was replying to another person. It’s called conversation

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Within the context of this story, having Rey actually be a part of the Skywalker bloodline would be handing her the conclusion of her character’s journey on a silver platter far too soon. As much as Rey Palpatine sucks in a lot of ways, you do have to admit that the concept of the Skywalker twins readily accepting the offspring of their arch-enemy as their own is quite emotional. It’s the only thing I can think of that feels Star Warsy without retreading old ground or overcomplicating things - and believe me, I’ve given a lot of thought to this!

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mind Rey Palpatine’s plot, but one of the most common criticisms is that the trilogy feels disjointed. Rey was only supposed to be Solo, and this shows in TFU (considering that Rey isn’t even her name, as seen in the film).

Hal9000’s edits made a big improvement in connecting the 3 films, so I asked him if he could do it. Respecting the only real plan that JJ Abrams had for the trilogy (and previously also Lucas) would make a further leap in quality if managed well.

This would solve one of my biggest issues with the film. The other is a problem that cannot be solved unless you are PixelJoker [a lot of sequences are missing and the gaps between scenes are very noticeable (this is also improved in these versions but you can always see it, obviously miracles cannot be worked )]

As I said, I saw the Hal9000 version of the trilogy in Italian, I don’t know if the dubbing contained the updated versions of the fanedits and in any case I don’t know how to recover a version in the original language.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Not happening here, is the practical answer.

It was dispassionate advice, especially because in my opinion it makes more sense than Rey Nobady.

In any case, some time ago I got the link to the fan edit file but I don’t know how to see it in the original language. I am Italian, and I am happy to have seen the good work done, but I would be curious to see it in the original, but every time I open the file it puts it in the Italian language. I have no idea how Google drive works,

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I know that asking this is a bit exaggerated and very difficult… But it would be cool if hal9000 made a version in which it restores the original idea that Rey is the daughter of Han and Leia and is called Kira Solo.

Not only were these the initial, secret plans for JJ Abrams’ Mystery box, but it also makes a lot of sense. Although unconscious, the bond and the dyad derives from this bond.

I would do all of this (if I had the ability) but keep Rey Skywalker’s ending because in the end it is what she is. Her entire life she went by the name of a rebel pilot (Rey got the name from the helmet she wore in Episode VII, suggesting it wasn’t her name) and considered Skywalker a legend. Choosing to call herself Rey Skywalker, even if she know her real name and surname, would in all respects represent her decision on who her really want to be.

Revenge of the Sith: Refocused - a Clone Wars: Refocused Companion Edit (v3.03 Available now)

I love to see this edit. If I can give any advice, in my opinion Hayden Christensen’s voice should be changed to be more similar to the one we hear in AHSOKA. His voice in the series is deeper, much like Matt Lenter’s. In my opinion it is one of the best things if a connection were to be made between TCW and RoTS

Labyrinth of Evil: The Canon Edit - a novel fanedit (Released)

Darth_Zounds said:

It’s been a few months, and I’m still not sure how to read this thing on my laptop.

I get a window that says:

“Windows can’t open this file.”

What program am I supposed to use to open it?


Excuse me, never mind. I was able to open it using a thing called Cloud ePub Reader with Drive.

Can you send the Edit to me? Please