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Beavis & Butthead (30th Anniversary Complete Series) HD Upscale [WIP]

jman2022 said:

Was there ever a follow up?! Love bevis and butt head, grew up with them and would love any new collections? Besides this editions does anyone know where tog et turd v3? Or whatever the newest is?

I’d love to know as well… the turdv3 doesn’t have all the highest quality available.
I’ve definitely made many upgrades with BluRay rip and Paramount downloads.

This is such a hard collection to put together because some sources have the music videos mixed in and others don’t.

Which version do you prefer?

LOTR: The Rings of Power Spoiler Thread

Superweapon VII said:

Frickin’ blacks, feminists, and queers. They all need to go back to Africa, the kitchen, and the closet. Tolkien is for the white, super-straight ubermensch. Cleanse Hollywood of degenerate art. Deus vult.

Correct. Unless they contribute to the actual story line… which in this case. They don’t.

LOTR: The Rings of Power Spoiler Thread

Wexter said:

Maybe if every basement dweller in the world didn’t feel the need to create butthurt videos about supposed “woke agenda” in a series some of them didn’t even watch, this strategy wouldn’t work. Hollywood knows well enough that by taking certain creative decisions – ones that are provocative, but hardly shocking in this day and age – they can easily get so much free publicity. If you don’t want them to succeed, you might just listen to your previous impulse and leave “The Rings of Power Spoiler Thread” to go get offended at a trailer somewhere. There is really no need to push your agenda down anybody’s throat 😉

Haha… I see what you did with that last sentence 😃
But you have to admit that video was funny, LOL

LOTR: The Rings of Power Spoiler Thread

You guys can watch whatever you want of course… but over the course of this year I’ve watched 100 videos like these which all have about 95% positive ratings. This show hasn’t looked promising for the last 2 years.
And like I said the teasers/trailers have thumbs down on a scale of 15:1… And yes while I’m capable of liking something without the approval of others these ratings mean something to me… I pretty much never watch a movie without checking the IMDB rating… If it has less than 5 stars I generally won’t waste my time with it… most times/not all. And to see what may be the most popular fantasy story in history get so ratioed (sp.?) means a lot.
The 2020’s diversity push is enough to push most away unless you have pronouns in your social media profile.
For me this show is even a bigger disappointment than the phantom menace.

If you guys enjoy the show then great for you… I’m gonna walk away from this thread now since this isn’t what this forum is for.






LOTR: The Rings of Power Spoiler Thread

NeverarGreat said:

TheHutt70 said:

Just so you guys know this story has almost nothing to do with Tolkien’s books. I’m very shocked to see any support for this show here. I mean the original teaser on YouTube currently has 131K thumbs up compared to 1.9MILLION thumbs down. That is 15:1 ratio!!!
This show is nothing but woke racial/gender propaganda trash. I’ll stick with my books on this… 2020’s woke culture can’t take those away.

As someone who has read the Lord of the Rings many times and the Silmarillion thrice, I enjoy watching this show partly because I don’t know what will happen. Maybe it will be good, maybe it will be bad. I sure don’t know, and I’m pretty sure two million people who just watched a trailer don’t know either. However, I do know that anyone complaining about this show without first watching it should perhaps be reacquainted with the word prejudice : an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

As an obvious fan you should want Tolkien’s actual story.
If they wanted to something like this who cares… that is their prerogative… but don’t call it Lord of the Rings. Using that name is the only reason anyone is watching this. I wanted a good epic story actually based on the writings of Tolkien. Not their stupid agenda rammed down my throat.
If you watch it I hope you enjoy it!

poppasketti said:

Oh so sorry guys, never mind. I didn’t realize this was woke trash. My bad. If I had know the teaser had a bad YouTube ratio I wouldn’t have watched.

Now your getting it. Good for you.

LOTR: The Rings of Power Spoiler Thread

Just so you guys know this story has almost nothing to do with Tolkien’s books. I’m very shocked to see any support for this show here. I mean the original teaser on YouTube currently has 131K thumbs up compared to 1.9MILLION thumbs down. That is 15:1 ratio!!!
This show is nothing but woke racial/gender propaganda trash. I’ll stick with my books on this… 2020’s woke culture can’t take those away.

Animal Kingdom (2016) censored

So I’m re-watching the Animal Kingdom series before I watch the Season 6 series finale that recently finished.
I’m noticing as I’m nearing the end of season 4 that weather they are BluRay rips or from Amazon Prime that I have not heard the word ‘fuck’. They are saying it… I am reading their lips… there is plenty of nudity and sex scenes… other swear words etc. but fuck is always silenced out.
I could understand regular TV but certainly not BluRay or Amazon Prime.
Does anyone know if there is any source for this show that is not censored?

Beavis & Butthead (30th Anniversary Complete Series) HD Upscale [WIP]

Mango said:

Sorry for not replying to requests for links. This project is on hold while I wait for the Paramount+ versions to be released. Since some of them are still censored, it will then be a matter of restoring the missing scenes. There are several people working on projects like this at the moment, and I will attempt to collaborate with some other people.

Until then, the links are not available, as there will be far better versions soon.

Awesome. Looking forward to it! Thanks!

Beavis and Butt-Head S03E35 - Incognito (Reconstruction/Restoration)

towne32 said:

TheHutt70 said:

Just seeing this thread.
Any updates?
I’ve been wanting to get a comprehensive B&B collection.
I originally just had the King Turd collection… although not V3 that was mentioned above I don’t think… I’m actually not totally sure which I have and it’s not mentioned in the included Word file.
But I also have the DVD rips, Mike Judge Collection (I downloaded these from Amazon with a Paramount+ subscription, Blu Ray rips, etc.

Ok, so edit as I’m typing this.
I just looked it up and there are many more episodes for me to get through Amazon. They have episodes from seasons 4 though 11 using Paramount… I’m acquiring all of these as I type.
First one I got was S04E02 Cow Tipping that is mentioned above.
Definitely much sharper quality than the existing one I had… the Metallica on Beavis’ shirt is much more clear… better colors etc.
Also the file is longer at 11:35 compared to the King Turd copy at 10:49
Although my Amazon (Paramount rip) is only 173 meg compared to the King Turd at 282 meg it is much better.

So has anyone put together a definitive list of all the episodes (I generally follow The TVDB listings)… along with the best current available source?

While I have the full rips of all the DVD’s and BluRays I still have to go through and properly name them and see what to replace with my current King Turd collection.
This is a hard set to put together as some rips/sources have single episodes, double episodes, with/without music videos.

I have put together an excel sheet of all the various best sources. But a lot of the TV captures and tapes used to make King Turd are not publicly available. It’s thousands of files.

But more importantly, the list becomes more obsolete every couple of weeks. We are still in the early stage of paramount uploading the full episodes. We will need to reassess everything when they finally finish, but we have only had a couple dozen episodes released over 5 weeks so far. What they have listed as seasons 9 to 11 are just the Mike Judge Collection DVDs of chopped up episodes.

If you are looking through the DVDs to find episodes that are better than King Turd, I wouldn’t bother. No new DVDs have come out since KT v2. They used the Mike Judge Collection, etc. A few rips have surfaced that can help get rid of logos. But again, we probably need to wait about a year until paramount finishes releasing the whole series.

The Paramount episodes aren’t perfect. Some of the music videos suffer from conversion to progressive scan. Some of the broadcast tapes they’re using have dot crawl analog noise, and so on. But it will give us a lot of material to use for upgrades. It was already looking like we could remove just about every logo, but that should become a whole lot easier in time.

Well, the BluRays are definitely the nicest but only about 15 episodes. Do you know if there are plans for any more BluRay releases?
Does Paramount have a release schedule or is it just a wait and see sort of thing?
Do you happen to have a source for the KingTurd V3 set? I’ve had mine for years so I’m sure it’s version 2.

Beavis and Butt-Head S03E35 - Incognito (Reconstruction/Restoration)

Just seeing this thread.
Any updates?
I’ve been wanting to get a comprehensive B&B collection.
I originally just had the King Turd collection… although not V3 that was mentioned above I don’t think… I’m actually not totally sure which I have and it’s not mentioned in the included Word file… but I believe it’s version 2.
But I also have the DVD rips, Mike Judge Collection (I downloaded these from Amazon with a Paramount+ subscription, Blu Ray rips, etc.

Ok, so edit as I’m typing this.
I just looked it up and there are many more episodes for me to get through Amazon. They have episodes from seasons 4 though 11 using Paramount… I’m acquiring all of these as I type.
First one I got was S04E02 Cow Tipping that is mentioned above.
Definitely much sharper quality than the existing one I had… the Metallica on Beavis’ shirt is much more clear… better colors etc.
Also the file is longer at 11:35 compared to the King Turd copy at 10:49
Although my Amazon (Paramount rip) is only 173 meg compared to the King Turd at 282 meg it is much better.

So has anyone put together a definitive list of all the episodes (I generally follow The TVDB listings)… along with the best current available source?

While I have the full rips of all the DVD’s and BluRays I still have to go through and properly name them and see what to replace with my current King Turd collection.
This is a hard set to put together as some rips/sources have single episodes, double episodes, with/without music videos.

EDIT>>>stumbled on this thread right after my post so I’ll be following that as well.


favorite songs

Eyepainter said:

Choosing a favorite song is an insane challenge, because there are so many to choose from, but if I narrow it down to classic rock, it would have to be The Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” 8 1/2 minutes of musical greatness in one song.

I seen The Who live on a stadium tour about 25 years ago 😎

And I totally agree… I can pick a favorite from some particular but a single all time favorite… not possible!

favorite songs

Some essential listening… Not necessarily my favorite songs from each band but many of my favorite bands covering many genres



Bad Religion



Nine Inch Nails

Tom MacDonald


System of a Down

Serj Tankian

Rob Zombie

White Zombie

Blink 182

Green Day

Guns N Roses

Rollins Band

Marilyn Manson

Rage Against the Machine

Led Zeppelin


Edward Grieg

Gustav Holst


Richard Wagner


Help: looking for... The Program (1993)

I’m still searching for this but I just had a thought about the time difference… The US version is 112 minutes. The uncensored version I’m looking for is approx 3 minutes longer… however this is going to be a PAL release with a faster framerate. So the actual run time on the PAL DVD might actually be shorter than the edited NTSC version. So if my math is correct the PAL version should only be around 110 minutes? Am I thinking this right?