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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: Re-edited (FMA:B:R) (Released)

I’ve been working on a major overhaul for the first season of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. FMA:B:R attempts to add elements of 2003 and occasionally The Manga in order to offer the best possible FMA:B experience!

Pretty much all compilation of footage and standard editing has been completed, but there are some elements that could hugely improve the project. On my YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLqmJ9hN57ZgS2-eL8PeTbA), I have a few episode breakdowns covering the series, as well as an epilogue discussing all the elements that still need work. Feel free to send comments here or through the FMA:B:R email If you’re interested in helping with the project.

Thanks for reading,

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - The Manga Cut (* on hiatus *)

Oh hey, glad to see you found this! Yeah, I’ve thought about trying to offer a more manga-accurate cut, but due in part to the issues with Brotherhood, this isn’t easy to accomplish without ripping more manga panels, which as you’ve noted is definitely less than ideal.

On that subject, though, Lior did need those Manga panels to illustrate Rose hearing Cornello’s admission of guilt (by being hidden in Al’s armor) firsthand. In both animations, Cornello acts suspect but never explicitly states that his miracles are lies, which muddies the “Truth vs. Lies” decision so pivotal thematically for The Manga and Brotherhood. I technically could’ve just used Brotherhood and it probably would’ve been mostly ok, but my goal with Lior specifically was to be exceptionally faithful to the manga, if only because Lior never got a true Manga adaptation. My eventual goal is to replace the manga panels with fully illustrated scenes used rudimentary animation. Subtitles could be used accordingly and could improve the flow dramatically. In general, Lior is still the most work-in-progress of any part of FMA:B:R for multiple art inconsistencies that need to be dealt with at some point.

As for the Alchemy narration, yeah that was a difficult consideration on my end. Directly adapting what the Manga did can’t really be done in animation without an immense amount of disjointedness, so the best I could supplant while being mostly accurate tonally was the use Broho’s “Alchemy” narration. That part is a bit of a no-win scenario, so I just went with what I felt worked the best.

I don’t think the Brother’s age is ever listed in battle on the train; the only continuity error is Hawkeye’s hair in both Train and The Mining Town. It’s super minor though, and I doubt many people will notice/care.

Ooh boy, Al’s identity crisis was a very partial decision on my part, but I did have my reasons for doing it (aside from really not liking it).
First, even after (imo) fixing the way Barry was handled, Al believing him about something as crucial as his identity seems a little out of character.
Second, while it’s in the Manga it doesn’t really serve to push the story forward, making it (in Mangahood specifically) filler.
Third, 2003 did more with this idea and made Al’s character a little more likely to trust untrustworthy people, so I’d rather keep it in a spot where it does push the story forward.
I accept that this decision was a very partial one, but I do think that it was the right choice.

Anyways, all good points to mention, but most of all I’m glad you enjoyed the project!

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - The Manga Cut (* on hiatus *)

aplmirage said:

TheGamingSiri said:

Minor update for FMA:B:R :
All 8 editorials and all 16 episodes have been finished and are now watchable. Check out my youtube channel (under the same username) for more info.

While there is still some potential improvement to be had (watch the epilogue editorial for more info), the current build is plenty watchable. Enjoy!

Thank you so much for doing this, I’ve watched the first couple of episodes and it’s really well done. Is it worth maybe considering looking at fansubs which were done and using their subs as a base for the 2003 version? Or is there some kind of software which can extract subtitle files from BD releases and convert them into a .srt? I could look into that for you if it could be helpful. Would .srt be the best format for this?

Glad you enjoyed it! I haven’t thought of contacting fansub authors, but that could be a worthy consideration (If you any contacts for them let me know). .srt files would be ideal, but the official blu-ray rips were encrypted, making them unusable with video-editing software. I also considered using Netflix subtitles obtained through an exploit in OBS Capture where I can record the subtitles but not the video. My only qualm with that is some weird quirks in the translation (like Father Cornello being named Cornello-sama, even though Father refers to his church title, not his familial position). Besides that, it could work. There’s also a lot of work to do with Lior in particular, more info is available in the epilogue episode on my channel.
BTW do you have any contact info for the old users on this thread? I can’t find much on them but I have to guess they’d still be interested in seeing this old idea fulfilled.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - The Manga Cut (* on hiatus *)

Minor update for FMA:B:R :
All 8 editorials and all 16 episodes have been finished and are now watchable. Check out my youtube channel (under the same username) for more info.

While there is still some potential improvement to be had (watch the epilogue editorial for more info), the current build is plenty watchable. Enjoy!


Mod Edit: More info on TheGamingSiri’s released project can be found in this thread, here:-

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: Re-edited (FMA:B:R)

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - The Manga Cut (* on hiatus *)

I think I’ve got the manga cut you guys are looking for

FMA:B:R (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Re:edited) is a project I’ve been working on for a couple of months now. It’s not 100% manga accurate, as I elected to use some parts of 2003 that fit just as well (if not better) into the Brotherhood Storyline. I did use the Manga’s story progression though (backstory doesn’t hit until Dublith, use of the train battle and mining town in manga-accurate locations, etc.), so I think you guys’ll enjoy it!

I’m not allowed to post download links here, but links are available through my Youtube channel (under the same username) on any video in the FMA:B:R playlist

I also have some editorials and an introduction video on my youtube channel (under the same username), if you guys are interested.

P.S. since 2003 already adapted and made plot-relevant the Manga Side Stories (The military exam becoming Fullmetal vs. Flame, for instance), I chose not to include them in my edit. Otherwise, everything should be accounted for!

P.S. P.S.
Apologies that the current release is only in dubbed form; reframing the 2003 footage means I can’t use any hard-coded subtitle track, so unless somebody can procure an isolated subtitle track for 2003 all I can make is a dubbed release (fortunately FMA’s dub is one of the best out there, so I think it’s still plenty watchable).