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- #1166274
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- OOT vhs box set? (answer: an OT VHS box set from 2000; the 1997 Special Editions)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1166274/action/topic#1166274
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Im not sure why the link didn’t work but here it is without the url
Im not sure why the link didn’t work but here it is without the url
Hello. I found the ot VHS box in a thrift store. I was wondering if these were the OOT or SE?
(links fixed by mod)
Mod Edit: This is the 2000 OT VHS box set (which would make them the 1997 Special Edition versions):-
Wookieepedia link: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars_home_video_releases#Original_trilogy_reprints
a 1 minute trailer for the 2000 VHS release: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVPmE4CQcg0
Nathan Butler youtube video on the 2000 OT VHS boxset release: www.youtube.com/watch?v=639xdq3sO7o (13 mins long)
In between 7 and 8 out of 10.
Lucas wanted 12 SW movies all together, 9 that were marked as episodes and the other 3 spin off.
I think a way to make ROTJ not feel like it’s dragging is if Luke went on a journey to find “The Other” maybe make it Lukes sister rather than Leia, and explore why they weren’t around in Anh and Esb.
What do you guys have as ideas for The Clone Wars pre PT? I like to believe there were 2, with Obi Wan serving in the first and gaining the rank of General for Alderaans army but that’s as much as I thought up.
Maybe Yoda knows of the Emperor and Anakin because Obi-wan told him of them when he became a spirit, or even actually showed him what happened in the past through his new Force Spirit powers. There’s also Yoda saying he’s been watching Luke, and something else is Luke mentioning Dagobah being familiar. Maybe Luke was brought to Dagobah when he was like two, and thanks to his strong connection to the Force Yoda was able to recognize his presence within it.
Yoda, along with other Jedi Masters, should be secluded from the Galaxy, with a Jedi Knight needing to further their training by seeking one out. Was Obi-Wab ever referenced as a Jedi Master in the OT? Maybe there could be a mediator between a Master and a Knight, an older Knight who helps apprentices start their journeys and eventually lead them to a master they themselves trained under. If Obi was a Master it still works fine, just that he was a younger Master who still wasn’t fully enlightened.
I believe the first SW film has the best pacing of any movie to this day.
Going by just the OT, one comes to the conclusion Beru and Owen are Anakins brother and sister, at least if one takes Luke calling them Aunt and Uncle at face value. As for the last name Lars, Skywalker could be a family nickname. Maybe the Lars family had naturally gifted pilots and one day Skywalker became a nickname of sorts for said pilots.
I wonder why Palpatine bothered with the Galaxy Gun and World Devastators when he was able to make Force Storms which can destroy the surface of planets “with a fleeting thought”
I hope Kylo dies as an evil man, but in his last moments discovers that Vader turned to the Light to save Luke. I know in TFA novelization Snoke talks about Vader turning back to the Light, but that could always be retconnd.
Although I’m apart of the “prequel generation” the whole OOT concept is something I like, so I imagine Vader looking like Sebastian Shaw in his 20s/30s for continuity. I have several ideas for SW, one of which is that in my PT there really was a Darth Vader that trained with Anakin who saw Vader as a role model of sorts. They both fall to the DS, but have different ideas which results in a duel. Vaders life support is based on the armor the OG Vader used.
I was rereading the Thrawn Trilogy, and in it Palleon said something about serving the Imperial fleet for 50 years, implying the Empire was around much longer than just 23-24 years that post-prequels state it was.
I like this line from the Return of the Jedi Novelization:
I found a good fanart of what appears to be a young Sebastian Shaw playing as Anakin Skywalker:
Is there way to make Midichlorian manipulation more mystical?
ROTJ is good, it used to be my favorite specifically because of the Emperor. Although re watching it I can understand how much more I wanted from it.
Oh my God I know lmao. Like, even in the EU Vader almost never interacted with C-3P0, and none of those times he ever was like "Wow I really love him he's like a piece of home" or whatever that comic tries to conjure up trying to make Vader a sympathetic character. Not saying he is or isn't, but using this is just trying way too hard and is tacky and ultimately makes no sense.
Although the good thing is that story showed up in Tales I believe, stories that aren't supposed to be taken seriously.
I liked Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter. I also liked the Han Solo trilogy.
Same, I want Vader to defeat someone extremely powerful to cement his strength. Vos and Ventress seem to be a good duo for him to test his skills.
My local comic shop has the Dark Empire comics, although they're reprints so that might not be what you're looking for. I could still check'em out for you.
So I'm reading Tarkin and so far it's been sort of interesting. Tarkin's childhood was very brutal!
Agreed Carthage-san.
How Luke didn't end up with Mara at the end of the Thrawn trilogy, went through all those girlfriends, and when he finally ended up with Jade she dies. Like wat.
I'm not so sure how to feel about the "power creep" when it came to Star Wars Jedi in the EU. Like Jedi are capable of planetary destruction with the Force and in the EU certain blasters can emit just light like the Remote droid that Luke used to train in A new Hope, meaning Jedi can think and have reflexes that are faster than Light. On one hand I think it's cool, on the other hand I also like them being just superhuman levels.