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The Captain

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When do you think the first six movies will get a 4k release?

Captain_Danielsan said:

As a noob can i ask a question about Aotc and ROTS. If they were shot in just cropped 1080p how on earth did they get it to look clear and everything blown up and projected onto massive cinema screens. Just interested in the technical know how here.

It has a lot to do with what the human eye can actually resolve. It’s the reason why 4K TVs really don’t make a difference in your home viewing unless you A. Get a giant (90"+) set or B. Sit really close…

Typically only the first few rows of a movie theater are close enough, even on that big screen, to truly see the difference in 2K and 4K. Not to say we shouldn’t be pursuing greater resolutions, but really it’s things like dynamic range/HDR and color accuracy that most people are going to benefit from with a 4K format.

Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm (Released)

New here, but I have to ask - do you know when your edit of Episode VII will be out? Just a rough idea would be great.

Seriously though, I've been looking for prequel fan edits that not only satisfy me as a long time SW fan, but that I would also show to someone who's never seen any SW before while introducing them to it... Your edits of II and III work perfectly in the machete viewing order. Thank you so much for making edits to specifically work with the OT... Now to see if I can stomach even a fan edit of TPM...