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Jackie Chan Hong Kong restoration project UPDATES (Released)

BDgeek said:

Tenebrion said:

Speaking of Drunken Master, have you guys checked out the japanese 35th Anniversary Blu-Rays of Drunken Master and Snake in the Eagle's Shadow yet? They look so much better than any previous versions.

Yes, and not only they look better than the previous versions, but also they feature what appears to be brand new 4k scans. The soundtracks are the original Cantonese in PCM (there's only one scream that seems to be replaced in one of the movies, but I'm not sure now in which one is it).

They also have the japanese cuts in HD (they are from DVD masters, which are also quite good, no upscale, just old HD masters)

They only caveat is lack the proper english subtitles. And if anyone could provide those, I'd like to mux with them with these Sony Japanese Editions 

The comparisons screens can be checked here




Thanks for the info!

As for the subtitles, I encountered the same problem so I OCR'd the subtitles from Drunken Master Hong Kong Legends R2 DVD and retimed (and edited) them for the Blu-ray. Not an optimal solution, but since I don't speak chinese and thus cannot translate it myself, it's the best I could do.

Info: Hard Boiled and The Killer

Matt_Stevens said:

There is not one single solitary decent release for The Killer, A Better Tomorrow or Hard Boiled. All are marred with one or more pathetic problems.

My HARD BOILED restoration at least allows us to enjoy that film in real high def with good sound. 

I made an account here just to say that your release of Hard Boiled was incredible! Thank you! It was a joy to watch the film in such high quality.

I'm a huge fan of HK movies, so I really appreciate everyone's work on restorating these HK classics.