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Army of Darkness - The Primitive Screwhead Edition (Released)

I've just registered here to pass on my thanks to all those who were involved with the creation of the Primitive Screwhead Edition. I bought the first US Anchor  Bay Numbered release and the UK Evil Dead Trilogy box, also by Anchor Bay. I also own the MGM region 4 and 3 DVDs.

It has always frustrated me that so many of the extended and deleted scenes were, understandably, in such poor condition. The restoration that has been done is nothing short of miraculous! I sat and watched the Overdose version with the original beginning and apocalypse ending, and it was like a breath of fresh (well, maybe mouldering) air. Picture quality was far better than I expected and the new sound mix is very good.

I'd like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of you for making one of my all time favourite films such a pleasure to watch. It was like seeing it for the first time again.

If only the movie studios undertook restoration of cult and obscure films as seriously as you all have done.

Kudos!!! :)