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GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // & HOTD [Community Thread]

Anjohan said:

TVL1995 said:

The only thing was in film 3 (I think) we see Gendry taken from the brotherhood by Melisandre and we never see him again until this final movie.

Thank you for the kind review. As for Gendry it was one of the few “important” plot lines I had to sideline and postpone to give a short resolution in film 10.

It just wasn’t important enough for the overall narrative of Films III and IV to even consider giving about 20 minutes of screen time. However, I will re-do a new audio mix (5.1 surround) for film 3 down the line and might take a second look at a montage I have in my head that could resolve this “issue”.

Hey! I understand the need to cut it out! No problem. I just thought it was slightly jarring but no worries at all!

Really liking the House of the Dragon movie so far and really looking forward to the two alternate GoT movie endings! Can’t wait!
Thanks for doing this!

GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // & HOTD [Community Thread]

I’ve watched the Game of Thrones Films 1-9. All very good and very enjoyable!
The only thing was in film 3 (I think) we see Gendry taken from the brotherhood by Melisandre and we never see him again until this final movie. I’ve seen the show so I do know what happens to him in between, but narratively there is some information lost there.
Otherwise a very good adaptation!

Looking forward to seeing the final two versions of the ending and also the House of the Dragon movie!